Search results

  1. deleted-t8ev9z

    WINCOIN Daily Contest: A Chance for Everyone!

    The Wincoin Daily Contest is Windice's flagship contest, since the casino created its own token it has managed to keep more customers on the website, that is a very good thing for them as it makes it possible for users with fewer resources to get some crypto by simply competing with the house...
  2. deleted-t8ev9z

    ¡Concurso diario de WINCOIN un chance para todos!

    El Concurso Diario de Wincoin es el concurso estrella de Windice, desde que el casino creo su propio token ha logrado mantener más clientes en el sitio web, eso es algo muy bueno para ellos ya que hace que los usuarios con menos recursos puedan conseguir algo de criptomonedas concursando...
  3. deleted-t8ev9z

    WINDICE el casino con Radio!

    ¿A quién no le gusta apostar escuchando una buena música? Creo que a la mayoría de los que estamos aquí nos gusta y Windice lo sabe, es por eso que el evento de Windice Radio es único! el único casino que he visto que tiene radio en vivo. Desde el año 2021 tenemos radio aquí en Windice para la...
  4. deleted-t8ev9z

    WINDICE the casino with Radio!

    Who doesn't like to gamble while listening to good music? I think most of us here like it and Windice knows it, that's why the Windice Radio event is unique! The only casino I've seen that has live radio. Since 2021 we have radio here in Windice for the English and Russian room and currently...
  5. deleted-t8ev9z

    Día de la Resistencia Indígena!

    El día de la resistencia indígena, es conmemorado cada 12 de octubre en varios países de América, aquí en Venezuela se le denomina Día de la Resistencia Indígena, la cual se dio desde el año 1492, nuestros pueblos indígenas lucharon por la defensa de su cultura y en contra de la colonización...
  6. deleted-t8ev9z

    Indigenous Resistance Day!

    The day of indigenous resistance, is commemorated every October 12 in several countries of America, here in Venezuela it is called Day of Indigenous Resistance, which was given since 1492, Our indigenous peoples fought for the defense of their culture and against Spanish colonization where the...
  7. deleted-t8ev9z


    This word is defined as the action of achieving an objective or goal immorally, It generally refers to non-compliance with the rules to gain some advantage in a competitive situation. Regarding the post of moderator Mowmow calling attention to all of us players of this casino, I want to give my...
  8. deleted-t8ev9z

    Ideas, sugerencias para mejorar

    Hola queridos windicers espero que todos se encuentren muy bien! hoy quiero compartirles algunas ideas, sugerencias para mejorar el casino y precisamente en estos días he estado pensando en contribuir al casino que me ha dado tanto, mi segunda casa Windice ya que mi primera casa es donde vivo...
  9. deleted-t8ev9z

    Ideas, suggestions for

    Hello dear windicers I hope you all are very well! Today I want to share some ideas, suggestions to improve the casino and precisely these days I have been thinking about contributing to the casino that has given me so much, my second home Windice since my first home is where I live hehe, Well...
  10. deleted-t8ev9z

    Rompiendo paradigmas (La sociedad de cristal)

    La sociedad de cristal se les denomina a las personas que en su mayoría son personas que se ofenden por cualquier cosa que se les diga en la actualidad, es decir; son personas muy frágiles a la verdad. Este texto lo comienzo así para dejar en claro que es sin ánimos de ofender ni faltarle el...
  11. deleted-t8ev9z

    Breaking paradigms (The Crystal Society)

    The crystal society is called people who are mostly people who are offended by anything they are told today, I mean; They are very fragile people to the truth. I begin this text like this to make it clear that it is without wishing to offend or disrespect anyone much less so that no one takes it...
  12. deleted-t8ev9z

    Jury qualifier of posters in Windice!

    On this occasion, I want to address especially the jury qualifying posters in Windice since the month that just ended there were many people writing very good, very interesting and very helpful posts for this own casino and I include myself since I am also a writer and in my opinion my post is...
  13. deleted-t8ev9z

    Sala ANY de Windice, ¡una sala exclusiva!

    Hola queridos windicers, ¡espero que todos se encuentren muy bien! Hoy quiero hablarles sobre la sala ANY ya que hay muchas personas que preguntan para que sirve esa sala. Pues bien, la sala ANY es una sala que en el día a día se ve muy tranquila, muy solitaria pero que sirve para muchas cosas...
  14. deleted-t8ev9z

    Windice's ANY room, an exclusive room!

    Hello dear windicers, I hope you all are very well! Today I want to talk to you about the ANY room since there are many people who ask what that room is for. Well, the ANY room is a room that on a day-to-day basis looks very quiet, very lonely but that serves for many things, it's not a room...
  15. deleted-t8ev9z

    Weekly challenge contest on Windice Forum (Read Requirements)

    The weekly Windice challenge is one of the most anticipated challenges of the week, Many of the players are waiting for Monday to see what the new challenge will be. But, you must know something very important guys, they must know how to read the requirements well so that they can be chosen...
  16. deleted-t8ev9z

    Regalos de Windice en Twitter!

    Hola queridos windicers, espero que estén todos bien! 😊 Quiero contarles sobre los sorteos que están haciendo aquí en el casino a través de la red social Twitter; es una gran idea que el equipo de Windice esté haciendo este tipo de sorteos, me parece muy bueno porque nos motiva a los jugadores...
  17. deleted-t8ev9z

    Windice giveaways on Twitter!

    Hello dear windicers, I hope you are all well enjoying the good weekend! 😊 I want to tell you about the giveaways you are doing here at the casino through the social network Twitter; it's a great idea that the Windice team is making these types of giveaways, I think it's a very good thing...
  18. deleted-t8ev9z

    The biggest room in Windice!

    This time I will talk about the largest chat of Windice and is that in this casino we have a little bit of everything, In this case I'm talking about the chat in English, yes gentlemen! The English chat is the biggest, in my opinion! Since it can be said that people from all over the world enter...
  19. deleted-t8ev9z

    Poesía que queda grabada en la historia de Windice!

    Una poesía no es más que sentimientos, emociones, reflexiones que la mayoría del ser humano utiliza para desahogarse, en una palabra. Esto puede ser con respecto al amor, la belleza, la vida, la muerte entre otras. Por ejemplo: les hare una poesía con respecto al amor que le tengo a Windice...
  20. deleted-t8ev9z

    Poetry that is engraved in the story of Windice!

    A poetry is nothing more than feelings, emotions, reflections that the majority of the human being uses to vent, in a word. This can be with regard to love, beauty, life, death among others. For example: I will make you a poem regarding the love I have for Windice, as the title of this text...