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The author of the book "The Silent Patient" says rightly, "Trust, when lost, it never recovers."

Be focused what are you doing, whether it is breaking a trust or not!
Everyone has favorite quotations, same I have one of my favorites! That is "Happiness is a choice, choose it everyday." Allusion.... Nothing more but this quotation does always appeal to my happy senses :)
Please note that! You are not ignoring someone! The worst feeling is when one knowingly ignores you :) be positive
Happy Eid to All of you in advance. Forgive every mistake, little or big, I did :) grateful to everyone for being here :)
What else than always being happy, as it awakes the happy faces of others too :) Good morning and be positive:)
Hello. did you get paid for the slot contest?
Yea we did. I think with 2 points you lost a 4-way tie for 9th and 10th place by bet size converted to usd. den1973 (0.329728) and Lemakrone (0.229231). You had 0.187235 and zahid had 0.119081. With den1973 I averaged his 2 separate bets.
buuut chadktt (6th) should've not counted for being way under the limit of 0.09 cents, it's clear I played 9 cents but he played 4 or 5 cent bets... You got robbed I think.