Windice Support, too much effective


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Windice support, too much effective :)


Hello guys, how are you? Hope you are doing well and fine. Every gambler, in a site, surely faces some problems, they can be transaction problem, reasons behind any step the authority has taken, like ban or any other issue that relates to the activities to the users. In fact, there may be too many queries for the new members about the sites. These all can be solved and known, by the support team that an admin hires for the users :)

I need not to turn my discussion to anything illusion or vice versa. I myself visited supports several times for issues mentioned above. Every time, not though a support can solve the issues, but can guide to the best of his/her knowledge. It is said that I teacher guides and the way is on students to follow :)

Before almost 3 months, a payout of mine was lost, I contacted support, they suggested that the payout has been successfully sent to the address that I have given. They added that if you did not receive payment, so do contact the support of your wallet. However, I contacted there and my problem was resolved. All that my attention went to the support of my wallet was just because of the windice support, who not only solve problems and misunderstandings here, but path us towards right direction outside :)

When one tips, deposits or payouts, mostly they get stuck because of absence of the finance department, but soor to add, they might be lazy or less in working. The only option I found to get my finance works done was the windice support. They helped me forward my talks to the finance sections and my problems were solved instantly. It is a fact that sometimes they get a little more time, but I was well supported :)

The most important thing, windice support does not let users time get wasted. They are active, and reply within one minute, that is the beauty of it :) however, they replies later are done within seconds while the conversation is ongoing.


All at the end, if there is a perfect hero in the site, I don't say other workers are not paying their good attentions, but the supports are more concerned with their works :)

A tribute to the supports, love long windice support :)
Windice support, too much effective :)

View attachment 8834

Hello guys, how are you? Hope you are doing well and fine. Every gambler, in a site, surely faces some problems, they can be transaction problem, reasons behind any step the authority has taken, like ban or any other issue that relates to the activities to the users. In fact, there may be too many queries for the new members about the sites. These all can be solved and known, by the support team that an admin hires for the users :)

I need not to turn my discussion to anything illusion or vice versa. I myself visited supports several times for issues mentioned above. Every time, not though a support can solve the issues, but can guide to the best of his/her knowledge. It is said that I teacher guides and the way is on students to follow :)

Before almost 3 months, a payout of mine was lost, I contacted support, they suggested that the payout has been successfully sent to the address that I have given. They added that if you did not receive payment, so do contact the support of your wallet. However, I contacted there and my problem was resolved. All that my attention went to the support of my wallet was just because of the windice support, who not only solve problems and misunderstandings here, but path us towards right direction outside :)

When one tips, deposits or payouts, mostly they get stuck because of absence of the finance department, but soor to add, they might be lazy or less in working. The only option I found to get my finance works done was the windice support. They helped me forward my talks to the finance sections and my problems were solved instantly. It is a fact that sometimes they get a little more time, but I was well supported :)

The most important thing, windice support does not let users time get wasted. They are active, and reply within one minute, that is the beauty of it :) however, they replies later are done within seconds while the conversation is ongoing.

View attachment 8833

All at the end, if there is a perfect hero in the site, I don't say other workers are not paying their good attentions, but the supports are more concerned with their works :)

A tribute to the supports, love long windice support :)
love this post you made about us supports and the great experience you had. this helps boost Windice even more. thank you
love this post you made about us supports and the great experience you had. this helps boost Windice even more. thank you
All that was my responsibility as a forum poster :) grateful 🌹 that you loved it :)
Kudos to Mods and Chats Support Team, For Making this place the best 2nd home. Not a single day has pass without they bringing smiles to all of us, be it with the wins or advices they always stand up and help to all of us. Be it Doom days with bets or Boom day with wins, they ensure that harmony exists and all are treated equally with same weightage. So I call them the golden guys of Windice who not only run the show but manages it with utmost care and like a baby. Truly the more you know them, more the gem of a person they are.

Thanks for everything to team Windice.
Kudos to Mods and Chats Support Team, For Making this place the best 2nd home. Not a single day has pass without they bringing smiles to all of us, be it with the wins or advices they always stand up and help to all of us. Be it Doom days with bets or Boom day with wins, they ensure that harmony exists and all are treated equally with same weightage. So I call them the golden guys of Windice who not only run the show but manages it with utmost care and like a baby. Truly the more you know them, more the gem of a person they are.

Thanks for everything to team Windice.
So true
Excellent post, I congratulate you for praising the sophisticated support of Windice that is 24/7 to answer all our questions. And you are very right, the support team responds very quickly, they have the best attention towards us, it is what I like most about this casino. 🥰
Excellent post, I congratulate you for praising the sophisticated support of Windice that is 24/7 to answer all our questions. And you are very right, the support team responds very quickly, they have the best attention towards us, it is what I like most about this casino. 🥰