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Happy APRIL FOOL's month everyone.
Another month
another challenges to face
another opportunities to grab
another blessings to receive
And another fun memories to build, celebrate and cherish. 😍
So you name it "April Fool Day" that's okay! You have a life to live for yourself! Before you start acting like making one fool, just read these lines! You know, it takes time for a person to build a strong will, if he has shared it with you, then never try making this will "an April Fool thing". Because this will break him from every aspect of life! Good life to all of you :) respect and love
"Shall thy eyes speak thy soul?
Or shall thy heart pump emotions,
Instead of dark and white blood?
Thus the smile you passed since
Then the world is ugly!"

"Si un día estoy en la cima, no será porque superé a otras personas... sino porque me superé a mi mismo"
"The oilskin of the house is not for rubbing the skins of strangers." (Thiongo, page 3)
Author: Ngugi Wa Thiongo
Book: The River Between
Aquí un nuevo día una nueva esperanza siempre con todas las ganas de darlo todo en este maravilloso día 🍀
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amigo siempre muy positivo mucha suerte tengas todos los dias
Me acepto como soy con mis defectos y mis virtudes todo forma parte de mi personalidad y mis escaleras para ser mejor.
Give it some thought yourself,
Why should i not stop you?
My life fades alway,
When you depart
I swear to you my beloved,
Listen to this one pela of mine.
Don't insist on departing tonight.
(Lyrics of urdu song which is one of my favorite, link of song given below 👇)