World Television 📺 Day


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World Television 📺 Day


Hi everyone around! Hope you are having the best of your times at the moment and is happily reading this thread. My purpose behind this thread is to make you aware about the day set by United Nation Organization (UNO) for the purpose of making world familiar with recent conflicts and threats around the world. And I'm trying to add some fun through involving mod @anonnep in the thread.

World Television 📺 Day is celebrated by UNO each year on 21st of November! The aim of the organization is basically to make sure about the recent conflicts that are ongoing and the threats that the world is going to face because of them. UNO sets its general body for a broader sense of broadcasting companies and encourages their innovative ideas. These ideas, most probably, be a detail showcase of happenings, such as the war between Israel and Palestine, the issues of viruses and what are the preventing solutions for them.

Everyone almost has a television 📺 in their home. Though the televisions are replaced by mobiles in today's era, but they work same as the televisions did! Users' consciousness in regard of the situations is mandatory. UNO keeps its efforts ongoing to let everyone around world be familiar with wars that can take place because of the mistakes of 2 countries alone. Remember, you make yourself too much engaged with these issues because your innovative ideas are highly encouraged by the organization. I purposed in repeating the same sentence just because you might have some fruitful ideas to stop conflicts just through a broadcast.

Now Let's Have Some Fun Through Involving Anonnep!

I was moving near the house of Mod @anonnep and my eyes went towards the television. Window was opened so I could clearly notice what was happening in the TV room. Television was on and Anon having a notebook writing something on it. I thought, on this day of World Television, he is finding new ideas that could help the world. I gazed too deep into the room and saw that on television, the broadcast of "How to stop Flying Kicks of wife" -- "How to convince your wife for not making you work" and "How to tell lies to your wife" were the programs he was watching and noting the tips and tricks.

There was a sound, sound of one's movement. Anon hurriedly switched off the TV and started whistling to make Ms Anonnep unnoticed of his findings. And Ms Anonnep was there just to ask Anonnep for some works. She said, "Anon Baby, go and wash dishes."
Anon was happy because he learnt from the TV "How to convince wives to not make you work". He replied, "My cute baby, the Monday of my Life, my hands are ready to work on every statement your mouth narrates!" Rip Anon! He unnoticed that these were tips and tricks for females and they don't work on females.
From Ms Anon, the flying kicks started and at the end I found Anon washing dishes with a tensed face and regretting for the misuse of the TV!

Televisions show everything, we need to be careful of what to watch and what to avoid. We are responsible for every misleading stuff provided by the broadcasters. Be careful and be aware of everything and keep watching TV for news updates 🙂!