Update the Train Game!


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Update the Train Game!

At the very beginning, I must say, this thread is not in the favor of offensive thoughts, but a little update that must be followed by every moderator! Because it lets every active user to get their by own Chances!

Hello all, hope you all are doing amazing 😍 and hope will be doing amazing in your gambles plus your daily lives! We already have seen chat a little much busy than before, what caused this? A true source was initiation of **Train Game**. There was a thread about train game previously, so I need not to explain it!

I just wanna say something better for the moderator to run the game smoothly. As I observed, moderators sometimes fail or knowingly don't tag the next participant just because they want users to be active! What does activeness mean? Does it mean not playing games in Windice and just being online for the chat? Does it mean not exploring other sides of Windice and just being online in chatroom? I guess never! Chat users sometimes feel better to leave the chat for 1 minute in order to play their crypto whether deposited or caught in rains or tipped by users!

Mod @anonnep was running this game, and it is always that he never tags user. I thought may there is another reason but later he said something which I think must be updated for users! He said this, SS is mentioned 👇


Active users are here to gamble too, they might be busy with a game till one tags them! Mod should tag before he says that time is up for the user's response! It will let the participant get his chance! Because not everyone is with a PC that chat and Gamble become easy to watch!

Hope I did not hurt anyone!



Thank You very much for your concerns whether negative or positive!
Just an FYI, train game has been created thru the efforts of the moderator/s, which in fact are not obligated to do so. It is for the purpose of entertainment for players specifically the active chatters. And as answered by Anonnep, the reason for not tagging the chosen user is to know if the said user is active in the chatroom or not. In that way, the game will run fast and smooth and doesn't have to wait. And it will also give chances for more players if there will be no interruptions.

Let us also not make it a habit of finding negative to something that is good.
(Un)LuckyBolte - My personal thought it is fine even if not tagged since -

1) Mostly 4-5 times in a week the game is held.
2) Even if you miss couple of times you still have a chance for the rest of the times and it is ever going game not just once a week kind of hunt.
3) When the game starts and you know Train game is running so users if wish to participate then can stay active in chat and take break from rest of the work or gambling and those thing can pause for a while unless doing urgent personal work.
4) Even if missed still there are many other hunts moderators do in chat with crypto which can be leveraged upon unless 1TRX means everything to that user then it is different story.
Just an FYI, train game has been created thru the efforts of the moderator/s, which in fact are not obligated to do so. It is for the purpose of entertainment for players specifically the active chatters. And as answered by Anonnep, the reason for not tagging the chosen user is to know if the said user is active in the chatroom or not. In that way, the game will run fast and smooth and doesn't have to wait. And it will also give chances for more players if there will be no interruptions.

Let us also not make it a habit of finding negative to something that is good.
As I said, active chatters are gamblers too! No one knows when their numbers would come, in this situation, they choose to play games till they are chosen by users. The tag, by respective moderator, will cost nothing but give the chance to the user :) there must not be any issue with a tag!