The best bet in the world!

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A few days ago, I stopped to think about things in life and realized that we have things to do every day, Whether inside the house or outside in the work we have, and every day a pattern is repeated. Then I realized that the life of ourselves is a gamble, since every day we bet on something; whether it is that things go well at work, in health, in love, in finances, in that money reaches you, that it does not reach you hehe, That they call you to offer you a new job, and of course you can not miss this site that here we bet every day that the bot now if it let us win 🤭 But I know most of you reading this know it is. It has always been like this, in life we will always gain something and we will always lose something, But that doesn't mean we shouldn't participate in the game. Everything in this life is to lose or to win, you have to bet without fear, because life, It's the best bet in the world! 🌎💝
If you are in a shape that you are doing a same regular pattern of work daily and that does not excite you, then it means you are in your comfort zone. Else, every day brings a new challenges in our life be it personal or professional or social etc as each day is unique just like each person. As well, if you start asking yourself why you doing a particular thing, or how can you do it better way each day this will keep the momentum going.

At times, certain things which are not in our control like earthquake, rash driving by others, other natural calamity etc such things are something which is a risk in life, it is more like gambling as you do not know the outcome. But for example if you are a student and preparing to get into certain University for a particular course so you know your goal and what needs to be done to reach there. Accordingly, you will work for your entrance examination, prepare for interview etc and in the end with your hard work in a smart way will manage to reach to clear all huddles and reach the final destination. This is not gambling in life because you are preparing for it and working towards it to achieve success.

So, for me somethings which are in our control are not gambling in life, but for things which are beyond our measure or control becomes a gambling.
Sometimes even if you have something planned for the day to day and believe that everything is under control, things do not always go as you want, that is, in that case you can lose the bet!
It depends on how you handle the situation, not always what you plan the things happens sequentially, at times you need to have flexibility to make changes in that and for uncontrollable things you cant do much. But, things may be derailed a bit, but if you have right focus and goal then you will bring back it on track, might get delayed but not out of scope.
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