- Messages
- 468
- Reaction score
- 397
- Points
- 63

Play as a team, but prove that you're king of the hill!
12 users will participate in rollhunt contest which will be held 04.09.2020 at 18:00 GMT+0 in ANY (Rage) Channel Room.
This contest will be weekly.
- Minimum 5 Forum posts to participate
- Minimum level 10 to participate
- Teams will be assigned right before we start by random selection.
- Each user will have assigned number. User gets eliminated, if somebody rolls his number.
- User can be recovered after elimination, if any of his team members (alive) can roll 5000 ant post in chat along with username of player he wants to revive
- Team which users was eliminated lost.
- Contest will be held from 3 parts:
1st part: 6 vs 6
2nd part: 3 vs 3
3rd part: 1 vs All (in this stage user can't being recovered) - Bets can be made with any currency and on any X.
- All bets must be GREEN, and there MUST BE rolled number along with posted bet on chat.
- If stage didn't finished within dedicated amount of time (will be told in chat) i will add additional numbers to each alive member.
- Users which registered and then don't come in time will be disqualified for next 2 games. (If not notify in advance)
1 post per user.
Prizepool 3000
1st place: 500
2nd place: 250
3rd place: 100
4-6th places: 50
7-12th places: 500 wincoins each
Points will be applied to each user by every elimination or recovery.
Elimination +2 points
Recovery of user + 3 points
Being recovered - 4 points
By the end of contest each user will get % of 2000
P.S. Please contact me 30 mins before contest starts in Rage chat or PM me the same day that you will participate, otherwise disqualification will be applied.
1st place: @Camaro
2nd place: @pratikbaba
3rd place: @dewana
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