Never stop dreaming

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Because only through dreams can man be free, don't shut up! keeping quiet is the worst mistake, most people live in a frightening silence, don't resign, don't betray your beliefs, we all need acceptance, but we can't row against ourselves that makes transform your life into hell. Enjoy the panic caused by having life ahead of you and live it intensely without mediocrity. Think that in you is the future and in facing your task with pride, impulse and without fear, fear is also another dangerous enemy for man; do not take refuge in that, better learn from those who can teach you and yes; never let life pass over you without having lived it in any circumstance that comes your way, "Live." In what you believe go for that, in what you want to achieve; Strive! I'm sure that many of us who are in this casino have many dreams and one of them is to hit the x9900 lol :LOL: a joke hehe but really guys, go after your dreams, whatever it is "Never stop dreaming" ;)

PS: the X9900 if it is one of my dreams hehe, but take it out with cryptocurrencies because with Wincoins I have already taken it out lol. 😅
Hitting 9900x with crypto is possible too. Just make minimum bets, and try from time to time. You'll hit it one day within 100 bets, or less.
My personal record is 24 rolls before hitting it.

Good Luck! :)
Hitting 9900x with crypto is possible too. Just make minimum bets, and try from time to time. You'll hit it one day within 100 bets, or less.
My personal record is 24 rolls before hitting it.

Good Luck! :)
thanks I will put it into practice to see if it is given to me, if I manage to get it out I will publish it in this post 🙃
Gotta keep that 9900x somewhere in your rotation. Kind of like Betwrong said, all you need to do is throw 10-100 bets at it here or there. Over time you'll have made 10,000 bets at it and guess what, the odds dictate that you're likely to have hit it at some point.

The thing you said about fear and letting life pass you by got me thinking. It's really hard to do that after you've been traumatized by some of life's scarier events like break-ups and/or deaths. It can reduce your subconscious mind back to the evolutionary roots of timid mice-like creatures hiding from a predator in a hole, shivering and possibly injured from the near-death encounter...

I'm guilty of letting life pass me by for many years. Being stuck in that "hole" wondering if its safe out there. One thing has kept me going through it though, dreaming. Without the ability to dream of a better life and having aspirations to motivate you, well, I would've been bored and depressed at the same time. Instead, I was biding my time, waiting for a good opportunity to make a come-back. Sure, to face my fears earlier than I did would have been nice but better late than never. Keep the dream alive!
That's right, I know that it is not easy to leave fear aside, it will always be present when we want to achieve a dream, a goal. But what we can do is persevere, the one who perseveres wins and every time we fail we have to try again and in each attempt to improve until we get what we want to achieve.