Without fear


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What could be wrong with taking advantage of a date to set astronomically difficult goals or promises that have less support than the Argentine peso?

Get excited, promise yourself, dream about what you expect so much. Nobody stops you.

If you want to heal, you will heal, if you want to free yourself, you will free yourself, if you want to test your limits, the world is yours.

When you realize that life is a sigh, you're going to stop complaining about the least... I hope you won't be late.

When a friend makes you see reality and annoys you, when your children's little hands wake you up at 7 am and you wanted to continue sleeping, when your sink tap breaks, you complain and forget that at least you have a tap. .. I want you to appreciate what you have.

If you have to separate and you forget how full of love the world is, if you have to look for a job and you don't see it as your opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and be a better version of yourself, if the rocks and stones They screw up the road and you forget that you can also advance along the path... I want you to live.

Please live without fear of what they will say, without fear of failure, WITHOUT FEAR.


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چه اشکالی دارد که از یک تاریخ برای تعیین اهداف نجومی دشوار یا وعده هایی که حمایت کمتری از پزو آرژانتین دارند، استفاده کنیم؟

هیجان زده شوید، به خودتان قول بدهید، رویاپردازی کنید که چه انتظاری دارید. هیچ کس جلوی شما را نمی گیرد

اگر می خواهی شفا بدهی، شفا می دهی، اگر می خواهی خودت را آزاد کنی، خودت را آزاد می کنی، اگر می خواهی محدودیت هایت را بیازمایی، دنیا مال توست.

وقتی فهمیدی زندگی یک آه است، از کمترین شکایت دست می کشی... امیدوارم دیر نکنی.

وقتی دوستی شما را وادار می کند واقعیت را ببینید و آزارتان می دهد، وقتی دستان کوچک فرزندانتان ساعت 7 صبح شما را از خواب بیدار می کند و می خواستید به خواب ادامه دهید، وقتی شیر ظرفشویی شما می شکند، شکایت می کنید و فراموش می کنید که حداقل یک شیر آب دارید. .. می خواهم قدر آنچه را داری بدانی.

اگر مجبور به جدایی شدید و فراموش کردید که دنیا چقدر پر از عشق است، اگر باید به دنبال شغلی بگردید و آن را فرصتی برای خارج شدن از منطقه امن خود و تبدیل شدن به نسخه بهتری از خود نمی بینید. سنگ ها و سنگ ها جاده را به هم می ریزند و فراموش می کنی که می توانی در مسیر هم پیش بروی... من می خواهم زنده باشی.

لطفا بدون ترس از آنچه می گویند، بدون ترس از شکست، بدون ترس زندگی کنید.
سلام،بسیار زیبا و کاملا درست نوشته اید،،،امیدوارم روزی همه مردم دنیا این طوری فکر کنند و عمل کنند
You described everything very smoothly i started reading it I didn't want to quit, your nicely described 🥰
What could be wrong with taking advantage of a date to set astronomically difficult goals or promises that have less support than the Argentine peso?

Get excited, promise yourself, dream about what you expect so much. Nobody stops you.

If you want to heal, you will heal, if you want to free yourself, you will free yourself, if you want to test your limits, the world is yours.

When you realize that life is a sigh, you're going to stop complaining about the least... I hope you won't be late.

When a friend makes you see reality and annoys you, when your children's little hands wake you up at 7 am and you wanted to continue sleeping, when your sink tap breaks, you complain and forget that at least you have a tap. .. I want you to appreciate what you have.

If you have to separate and you forget how full of love the world is, if you have to look for a job and you don't see it as your opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and be a better version of yourself, if the rocks and stones They screw up the road and you forget that you can also advance along the path... I want you to live.

Please live without fear of what they will say, without fear of failure, WITHOUT FEAR.

that's exactly my philosophy of life expressed in words :) Seize the day, and don't think about what you lost or didn't win, tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to get it right! "ball forward, because behind there is only the goalkeeper" hahahahahahah