Closed Windice NEW YEAR Celebration! [Community event]

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Felíz Navidad a todos que el próximo año sea mucho mejor que este 2021 saldremos todos adelante junto a nuestros seres queridos con más fuerza y amor que nunca😍😍😍😍
  • Let this year be the year you go after progress over perfection and savor every victory you make along the way to your goals.
Поздравляю с самым волшебным, самым долгожданным, самым замечательным праздником! Пусть в Новом Году будет ещё больше позитива, радости и самых прекрасных событий! Желаю крупных достижений в делах и в личной жизни! Пусть впереди ждёт много неизведанных граней мира, путешествий, интересных знакомств, побед и достигнутых целей!

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Hey All... First of all Happy New Year..
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Every struggle and risk is for the future .. A year of struggle and risk will end with in 48 hours.. And all of you guys will enters in the next year of struggle and risk , take full risk and struggle to make your and your family life better , wish you All the best and God bless you all and your family and Hope new year 2022 will be the best year for All ... Wish you again All the best and better luck in new year... Have a Good life.. Thank you..
Happy New year
I hope that the lamps of Joy lighten up your year, fill your days with sparkles of joy, and brighten up your life forever and ever...

Wishing you a very Happy New Year


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Под звон наполненных бокалов и взрыв салютов, я желаем Вам здоровья и благополучия.
Снова ёлки, мандаринки и шоколадки. Снова конфетти из хлопушки в салатницу с Оливье, шампанское со жжёной бумагой и «Чародеи». Снова гирлянды подмигивают лампочками, а люди загадывают желания.Пусть наступающий год обязательно реализует все ваши мечты и пожелания, создаст возможности для дальнейших успехов и процветания. Пусть 2022 год будет переломным, с радостными новостями и приятными событиями! С праздником вас, дорогие и близкие! Мира, добра, любви, здоровья и многих лет счастливой жизни!
I Wish all the Windice Family, Admin to a newborn user... This site is a partner to all those Who has no any support to Earn or to achieve anything, it makes us feel to be in fun in life.....

May the Dawn of this Year, Fill your heart with new Hopes, Opens Up New Horizons, and bring for you Promises of Brighter Tomorrows.

Have a Wonderful Year Ahead....



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I would like to wish, warmly Happiest New Year 2022 to Admin, Supports and all Moderators. I wish this year bring a lote of happiness and success to you and your families, have a healthy and mentally great year for you,
This is one of best (windice) casino platform of deposit and payout, with due to respect of kind Moderators i m much interesting and no fear here,
I love to be user and member of windice family.
From: Dewayne
"Today, is the first blank page of a 365 page book.Start making mistakes from toady"

Because if you are making mistakes,then you are making new things,try new things,learning,living,pushing yourself,changing yourself,changing your world.Do something you have never done before.
So that's my wish for all of you and also for myself.Make new mistakes.Make amazing mistakes.Make mistakes nobody's ever made before.Don't freeze,Don't,don't worry that it is not good enough,or it is not perfect whatever it is art, love,game or work.

"Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before"



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Уважаемые основатели, а так же техподдерка и конечно же сами пользователи всеми любимого онлайн казино 'WINDICE"! Хочу поздравить Вас с наступившим Новым Годом. От всего сердца желаю Вам в Новом Году позабыть все лучшие моменты прошедших лет в развитии данного сообщества и готовиться к новым и более масштабным которые обязательно будут. Когда всё замечательно - это сразу видно. И этот год не будет для Вас исключением. Процветания Вам и ни малейшего опускания ниже первой строчки в таблице рейтинга наших сердец.
Happy new year dear users,modes and admin have a nice year full of happiness and peaceful year 2022.

Don't waste your time don't wait until new year 2022 could be another 2020 it's 2020 too! After all listen I love you for infinity but you have to love yourself first don't you have something better To do than watching people half naked Stand up walk around stretch your legs .call your family tell her you love her
What about the business plan you have had for a while


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Happy new year dear users,modes and admin have a nice year full of happiness and peaceful year 2022.

Don't waste your time don't wait until new year 2022 could be another 2020 it's 2020 too! After all listen I love you for infinity but you have to love yourself first don't you have something better To do than watching people half naked Stand up walk around stretch your legs .call your family tell her you love her
What about the business plan you have had for a while
That's great bro 😊 love you more. We expect more than it but let's see what could be happens. God bless.
I want to make a wish. A wish that not only include me but also my family, WINDICE family. That family which helped me to get out of depression, the stress of education, the tension of losing job due to pandemic and being betrayed in a relationship. That family which did not let me alone and made beautiful memories like being crazy with Anonnep crazy trivia, hunting player in Peckatop’s team vs team, listening Kryakrya’s radio and even receiving reward from Sir Elskerlinn. The wish that this family remains forever, Wish to break all records and being the biggest family. Because it is not my family, it is our family, WINDICE family.
Wishing my WINDICE family the greatest year ahead and success to all family members. HAPPY 2022.


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*सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:ख भाग्भवेत्॥

*परमपिता परमेश्वर आपको सुबह की पहली किरण से शुरु होने वाले नये साल 2022 में सुख , शांति, शक्ति, सम्पति, स्वरुप, शालीनता,संयम, सादगी, सफलता, समृध्दि, साधना, संस्कार, यश और बहुत अच्छा स्वास्थ्य दे। इन्ही शुभ कामनाओं के साथ नव वर्ष 2022 की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाऐं। 🙏
Happy new year WinDice!🎉🎉 I wish nothing but the best for the community and the game itself.🙏
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