Windice December Christmas December Last month of the year December

Hello friends, all of you will be well. This poem is according to my expression and idea, so please read it completely. This poem is about the month of December and December is the last month of the year which comes once in a year and some of its memories that we always remember. Let's celebrate December once again this year and this December I spread happiness together December comes once a year we enjoy it a lot and there is a special thing about it Christmas 🎄🎁🎄🎁 i have a lot of fun and colors everywhere. They put lights on Christmas trees from house to house and some wear centa clause 🧑‍🎄 clothes that centa clause 🧑‍🎄 has come and everyone gives gifts to children and adults and laughs and smiles and spreads smiles together. Come together. Celebrate December my friends is The purpose of this poem is to keep laughing and make others laugh and like me make December memorable once again this year. Hope you like this poem my friends. Thanks for reading keep laughing keep smiling.
Hello friends, all of you will be well. This poem is according to my expression and idea, so please read it completely. This poem is about the month of December and December is the last month of the year which comes once in a year and some of its memories that we always remember. Let's celebrate December once again this year and this December I spread happiness together December comes once a year we enjoy it a lot and there is a special thing about it Christmas 🎄🎁🎄🎁 i have a lot of fun and colors everywhere. They put lights on Christmas trees from house to house and some wear senta clause 🧑‍🎄 clothes that senta clause 🧑‍🎄 has come and everyone gives gifts to children and adults and laughs and smiles and spreads smiles together. Come together. Celebrate December my friends is The purpose of this poem is to keep laughing and make others laugh and like me make December memorable once again this year. Hope you like this poem my friends. Thanks for reading keep laughing keep smiling.
Всех гаступающими праздниками
Hello friends, all of you will be well. This poem is according to my expression and idea, so please read it completely. This poem is about the month of December and December is the last month of the year which comes once in a year and some of its memories that we always remember. Let's celebrate December once again this year and this December I spread happiness together December comes once a year we enjoy it a lot and there is a special thing about it Christmas 🎄🎁🎄🎁 i have a lot of fun and colors everywhere. They put lights on Christmas trees from house to house and some wear senta clause 🧑‍🎄 clothes that senta clause 🧑‍🎄 has come and everyone gives gifts to children and adults and laughs and smiles and spreads smiles together. Come together. Celebrate December my friends is The purpose of this poem is to keep laughing and make others laugh and like me make December memorable once again this year. Hope you like this poem my friends. Thanks for reading keep laughing keep smiling.
generated_video_0fac81239d7211ee9eb92656ee3db587.mp4 (1).jpgС Рождеством, Windice! Желаю тебе всего самого наилучшего в этот прекрасный праздник! Пусть каждый день будет наполнен радостью и счастьем, а твои мечты и желания обязательно сбудутся! Счастливого Рождества!