I agree.. money is not everything.. but remember there is almost nothing without money... just love and honesty..Why do you need cash when you play during casino?
Explainwhat your dream in your life on the future? do money is important for you?
Remember money is not everything!
True, money on life for food and flat.. not need get more money. Important what we have all just happy enough.I agree.. money is not everything.. but remember there is almost nothing without money... just love and honesty..
Warrent Buffet is very wise man, his friend Bill Gates. Great human.Apparently, Warrent Buffet has said that "Money is not everything. Make sure you earn a lot before speaking such nonsense".
In today's world more or less everything has become materialistic things, even love for that matter. But not everyone is same and exception and kindness always exists in the world, but when you compare a decade ago and now you will find the difference.