Why Are You Smiling?


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"Oh oh, why are you smiling so handsomely?"

Do you hear this question too?

Everyone, around me, linger their eyes on my undelightful smile and throws their doubtful queries towards me! I give them a look after their question seeking for futile confirmatory whether my heart is describing my inner-self through my dry lipses or that isn't really what the people seek to think of while I'm smiling. I literally keep no assurance of my smiles while I'm chatting or thinking about something, no any of my emotional psyche is linked to my lipses, albeit, I use "hahahaha" a lot in chats that turn my lipses to smile more accurately on time.
"That isn't what you people think of, consequently, I don't want to utilize my justification on things I know are never going to gain beliefs, better I let people think till their thoughts-creating capacity is reached to its limitation, because the more they think the more their tiny minds work." I reply, though, not in their faces but the words, my heart, utters spontaneously in silence!