Tips to win in SLOTS??? 🤔


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This week the forum challenge is all about slots. At first I was really hesitant to join this challenge because I really thought I wont hit even once and the requirement is to hit as many multipliers as possible and the minimum multiplier required for entry is 40x which I thought honestly is hard to get. But then, remembering last week's challenge, I was able to hit 40x in slots game. So I then thought, why not, right? Haha! If it hits, lucky me I'll finally have atleast one entry for this week's challenge but If it won't at least I tried. Lol. So there I tried my luck in one of the slots from BETSOFT and boom it hit! Tried to have one more entry by trying to hit atleast 40x again some of the slots which led to my XRP's getting drained but because one of my friends encouraged me to continue hunting, I was able to hit high multipliers last night in two of the slots I tried. So for other players who wants to try their luck in hitting high multis in slots and join this week's forum challenge, come on and try. Never stop trying and you will hit big one day. Yes it takes a lot of funds and luck but believe me, not all the time it requires you to roll many times to hit the big one. At times it only takes few rolls. Just always remember to consider this 10 tips for a winning slots strategy by

* Choose a theme you like. There are too many Slots available to choose and play so find a game that ticks the boxes for you and you’ll find yourself 100% engaged in playing it.

Better if you try the DEMO mode first and see how the game works and if it will interest you.

* Start Low. By starting with a lower stake it will give you time to get a feel for the game. As your confidence and knowledge grows, then it will be time to up the stakes.

Like I've said above there are times it will only take few rolls before you hit high multi but often times it will take a lot of rolls first so go first with the smallest amount available to use.

* Beware of progressive Jackpots. Hitting Jackpot is life changing and very awesome but you need to be aware that the odds of winning one of these huge prizes is really pretty small. After all, you’ll be competing with who knows how many other players on countless other versions of the slot.

*Look for highest RTP's ( Return to Player).
in the ideal case players will try to find best payout casino Canada with 98% and higher RTP, and some brands provide such.
It also means that you should always go for the slots with the highest RTPs to maximise potential winnings.

* Seek for Slots with more Bonus features. There are games with many bonus features like special lucky dip rounds, free spins and prize multipliers can give you more ways to win.
There’s usually a description of what these bonus features are on the online casino site so you don’t even need to start playing to discover what may be in store for you.

* Simpler games can sometimes mean bigger payouts. Developers need to recoup considerable costs incurred in creating them.
This, in turn, means that the RTP will be far lower than in other more straightforward games. It could also means that the prizes themselves will be lower, It’s not true in every case, but it’s well worth bearing in mind and perhaps it will point you towards simpler games.

* Decide on which level of volatility you want. A high volatility game is one that pays out relatively infrequently, but pays out big when it does. A low volatility game will produce frequent, lower value wins. It is all programmed into the random number generator that runs the game and is a feature that is often included in a game’s description.

You can see the volatility of each game at the top of the slots page.


Not sure though if that can be seen at the top part of the slots page here in Windice.

* Consider Megaway Slots. these offer multiple ways to win which can even extend into the tens of thousands. Many of the wins may be small but it certainly adds to the excitement and adrenalin when they happen so often and in so many different ways.

* Forget Superstition. It can be tempting to start believing that there are certain lucky games out there – ones that will give you an extra chance of success. But it’s simply not true.
The random number generator that controls all games means that you’re always on a level playing field with the spinning of the reels being genuinely random and nothing to do with luck or good fortune.

* Set your limit and stick to it. The one hard and fast rule to stick by is to decide just how much stake money you’re going to play with. Then, when it’s run out, it’s time to stop playing. With luck you’ll be in profit over the session and you can invest some of these winnings the next time you play.

This means set a limit as to how much you can afford to spend to play win or lose for the day. Do not ever go beyond it or you'll end up empty handed.

Hope these tips helps. Goodluck to us all hunters. 😁😁😁

big bank roll hahaha and put max bet per spin ^_^
Big bank roll yes put max bet no way goodbye money if we do that hahaha but i do high bet lately in some local slots casino and win huge. Like bet 10php and win like 400-1200+php 😂😂😂😂😂
I don't know but I think you really need to have a good balance to win! Haha.
Yeah huge balance because small balance have low chance of winning and short time play only but with huge balance you can play longer and wait for your luck to go darker or turn green hahahahaha
lol there is no tips for slts .its upon machine pay or not.
Maybe you are right sir but some those above are the usual tips used for playing in a casino like the first one "start low" and last one "set your limit and stick to it". Also i am trying to apply some tips mentioned above and i win pretty good amount for 5 nights now hehehe
Big bank roll yes put max bet no way goodbye money if we do that hahaha but i do high bet lately in some local slots casino and win huge. Like bet 10php and win like 400-1200+php 😂😂😂😂😂
actually allegedly according to slot ruling the house edge for bigger bets is lesser , and bigger for minimum bets ahaha i dunno if its true maybe thats why streamers always go at a higher bet per roll rather than small ones and they get lucky all the time lol
Yeah huge balance because small balance have low chance of winning and short time play only but with huge balance you can play longer and wait for your luck to go darker or turn green hahahahaha
I assumed yes. That game isn't for me though. 😂