Things you love about Windice


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Since we all part of Windice community and being here from some time now, lets gets synopsis of some pointers which you like about Windice.
The list can go on and on but lets have minimum 3 special things you like about Windice.

1) Wonderful support experience - Whenever I have troubleshooted some issue on the support chat had real quick responses to my issues and resolved it at earliest.

2) Amazing Moderators - We have some finest of human beings first and moderators later on. Be it any moderator, all respect other users irrespective of country, gender etc and always ready to go an extra mile to ensure the smooth functioning of chat and personal advises as and when required.

3) Games/Contests/Promotions etc are fulfilled and each week users wait to have some fun time by participating in it.

Above are just some of the points and not restricted to it. Do share your best part about the Windice.
I agree that all moderators and support staff are accommodating and replies quickly! Awesomeness overload!

Its wonderful to participate on challenges! And the chat too is an entertaining ground to stay! Though most has nothing to say! But trivias are fab! Sometimes on phone the website lags when there were too many chat messages coming from trivias! Haha! Is that only happens to me?
For the past year I've been playing on the windice. People from all over the world would talk about learning a lot. Lots of friendships. Windice mods love presentation.
100% agree with you... Not only moderators , Admin also gives response to me when needed... I always suggest windice easiest site to earn something...