Surprisingly Surprised - Hattrick


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While playing for a TG hunt of 275x in dice today, I was pleasantly delighted to see a hattrick of 7513 numbers surface in just under 3 minutes. This rarely happens back to back with the same number of occurrences, and the hattrick was very exceptional.

I am sure that even mod Siopaw, who was organizing this event, would have reviewed it twice-thrice to ensure that the same bet was not posted numerous times, but would have ultimately realized that all three are different bets with the same result of 7513.

Definitely a one-of-a-kind for me, since this has never happened before, and months have passed when I try to hit a single number and nothing happens, and here if I had gone with 7513, just imagine boom 9900x three times in under three minutes :) .

Windice always has something instore which keep surprising its users and bring smiles to all our faces.


I always double-check every entry but I miss this one. Honestly, I didn't realize it was all the same result. Just wow!
I'm so impressed that number 7513 probally bring you luck than all number :love:
Yeah i can imagine about that 3 times with 9900 payout.

0.11765707 with 3 times 9900 payout = 1164.68733593 + 1164.68733593 + 1164.68733593 = 3494.06200779 = average price 260 USD.
Huge prize hmm.

Greetings! ❤️