Section to see the list of moderators


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Windice community indeed continue to grow bigger and bigger everyday. I have seen many users go, but still many newly registered members come to play regularly. I am also seeing old players coming back to play again.

Same goes with the moderators. I have seen some past Windice moderators quitted/ no longer active and seen new moderators to take the position and the tasks left by the previous moderators. But until now, I still have no idea which of the moderators are still active, no longer available and who are the new ones (newly added moderators). I have just heard from one of my friends this week that there is a new moderator again but have no idea who he/she is specially now that I no longer am able to visit Windice from time to time. As for the long-time moderators, I can only see if they still are a moderator by visiting my message counter and checking if their badge is still on.

So, I am thinking it's better if there is one section in the game page and/or here in Forum where we can see the lists of the active(present) moderators and what room they are assigned to so we will be able to know exactly which room to go and ask assistance if we see they are available to assist on that particular date or time. I think this is badly needed specially if the moderators in the English room aren't available to assist or control what is happening in the room. I believe this is also very helpful specially for newbies who will be needing someone to assist them with their inquiries yet the members active in the room are unable to answer and only moderators are able to do so. They can simply check the moderator section and approach one of them via sending personal message if they see them currently active and available to assist.

Reason why I am suggesting this is because I have seen other members in English room who keep asking if there are moderators available to assist and getting confused which room to go to and get a moderator to assist them with their current inquiry/situation. I do believe so that this idea can be very helpful.

Sorry this is long. Hahaha! But I do hope ya'll who read this are able to get my point of making this post. 😂✌️
Yes to this. I am confused too, how many moderators are there and who are they? I only know few because they are the ones I see on English chat room. Hehe.
Yes to this. I am confused too, how many moderators are there and who are they? I only know few because they are the ones I see on English chat room. Hehe.
Yeah.. hahaha. Thanks for agreeing with me. :) And you're right. The only moderators we see regularly is mod veleten, mod anonnep and mod DJ kryakrya. We get to see the three lady mods every week atleast.. mod furli, mod elyte0nes and mod xhauna. :) The other mods, we cant see them unless we summon them in english chatroom. :D but i know some mods of other channels. That is mod terrybogard, mod synyster, mod wrlola and mod peckatop. And I've heard there is one more moderator added and he is very new. Havent seen him/her yet. However, I honestly do not know how many mods we have here in total anymore, and like what I said in this thread, I keep visiting my message counter and or tries to search their names just to double check if some of them are still mods and if they are currently online to assist. And, sadly and honestly, It's actually kinda hassle and tiring to do those actions all over again just to check. Hahaha! :D So I do hope this suggestion I raised can be granted. For the benefit of many specially to the newbies, atleast :)
Windice community indeed continue to grow bigger and bigger everyday. I have seen many users go, but still many newly registered members come to play regularly. I am also seeing old players coming back to play again.

Same goes with the moderators. I have seen some past Windice moderators quitted/ no longer active and seen new moderators to take the position and the tasks left by the previous moderators. But until now, I still have no idea which of the moderators are still active, no longer available and who are the new ones (newly added moderators). I have just heard from one of my friends this week that there is a new moderator again but have no idea who he/she is specially now that I no longer am able to visit Windice from time to time. As for the long-time moderators, I can only see if they still are a moderator by visiting my message counter and checking if their badge is still on.

So, I am thinking it's better if there is one section in the game page and/or here in Forum where we can see the lists of the active(present) moderators and what room they are assigned to so we will be able to know exactly which room to go and ask assistance if we see they are available to assist on that particular date or time. I think this is badly needed specially if the moderators in the English room aren't available to assist or control what is happening in the room. I believe this is also very helpful specially for newbies who will be needing someone to assist them with their inquiries yet the members active in the room are unable to answer and only moderators are able to do so. They can simply check the moderator section and approach one of them via sending personal message if they see them currently active and available to assist.

Reason why I am suggesting this is because I have seen other members in English room who keep asking if there are moderators available to assist and getting confused which room to go to and get a moderator to assist them with their current inquiry/situation. I do believe so that this idea can be very helpful.

Sorry this is long. Hahaha! But I do hope ya'll who read this are able to get my point of making this post. 😂✌️
yes it's true