Quality vs. Quantity


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Quality over Quantity. What is the difference?

Google says, "quality refers to the characteristic or feature of something, whereas quantity refers to the numerical value of something."

My college teacher also once told us in the class, that when having something or someone, choose quality over quantity.
Like in purchasing clothes or things. It's better to invest in something that is expensive but offers a great and long-lasting quality than with a cheaper price but you'll have to buy multiple times because it easily gets broken, damaged or whacked. Same thing with food and drinks we consume. And in work place. They say, it's much better to have few employees but with qualified skills and high dedication and motivation than having too many people but shows low quality when it comes to doing their job.

This can also be applied when looking for friends. Yeah it's so overwhelming to know how many friends we already have and it's so fun to think about it. As they say, the more the merrier. But sometimes, having too much friends is also tiring specially if these we consider friends are only friends if party is on but when it's over, they act like they dont care. So what I suggest is, just like what some say, "collect and collect then select" hahaha. Collect as many people as you can to get friends with but choose wisely who to be friends with in the long run. Choose those who surely will stay with you until the end of every battle you take. Because everyone can cheer you at first but not everyone will be willing to wait for you in the finish line. Hahaha! Choose wisely my dear friends.

That's all goodluck
This is a nice post. Another example of quality vs. quantity is posting in forum. Others think that if you post more, you will win the contest. They don't realize that they're already spamming the forum. Quality is still preferred over quantity. 👍
This is a nice post. Another example of quality vs. quantity is posting in forum. Others think that if you post more, you will win the contest. They don't realize that they're already spamming the forum. Quality is still preferred over quantity. 👍
First thank you maam for appreciating my post 🥰 second wow this is very helpful information you shared maam. So this means no matter how much post/thread someone makes if his or her post is of low quality then he she has low chance winning the forum contest right? So even if some have only few posts if the quality of what he she made is very high then he she have very high chance to win the monthly contest. And if he she makes a lot more of high quality post then he she have a guaranteed winning chance. That is amazing. I will always put in mind of what you said maam. Thank you a lot. 👍👍
First thank you maam for appreciating my post 🥰 second wow this is very helpful information you shared maam. So this means no matter how much post/thread someone makes if his or her post is of low quality then he she has low chance winning the forum contest right? So even if some have only few posts if the quality of what he she made is very high then he she have very high chance to win the monthly contest. And if he she makes a lot more of high quality post then he she have a guaranteed winning chance. That is amazing. I will always put in mind of what you said maam. Thank you a lot. 👍👍