My FIRST's here in Windice


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After spending some time here in Windice playing, chatting, posting and joining some competitions, I finally have my FIRST's that can be shared here with you guys.

My first wins, first deposit, first huge loss made (busted moment), first heartbreak, and first successful payout made. 😁

After creating few posts and few replies in someone's posts here in Forum around May this year, I had my FIRST monthly forum win. Then, because I went greedy playing desiring my balance to grow more, I suddenly lost it all and there I had my FIRST HUGE LOSS and my FIRST HEARTBREAK. And because I was crazy that time trying to run after what I lost, I made my FIRST DEPOSIT and lost it all as well. Haha πŸ˜‚

Lately, after making few more deposits and making few bets I was able to finally have my FIRST SUCCESSFUL WITHDRAW.
and now, the latest which was yesterday, I was able to successfully raise my Wincoins to the highest I can and finally have my winning moment seeing my name successfully included in the top ten list earlier today. Yepeeeeeeey !!!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

So that's it guys. Those are my FIRST's here in Windice He he he he !!!
I know I might sound corny or what for sharing these experiences because every body else experiences these things as well but still I want to share these and let you all know how happy I am with these experiences/ achievements I had hahaha πŸ˜¬πŸ˜…

How bout you guys, care to share your FIRSTS here in Windice ?? Come on.
Just like what I have read somewhere, "Sharing is caring" so share your experiences here, thoughts and feelings about those. hehehe
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Before I forget
Sharing another addition to my FIRSTS here 😁



My newest FIRST. First time joining and winning in the telegram contest CRASH HUNT 😁
Twas a tough experience but was nice and super memorable. My deposit funds increased almost 10% + i finished third. Yey! Whattan experience. πŸ₯³
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Another one of my FIRSTS.



Happened just an hour ago. First time to be in the 'Last Big Win' board and first ever successful 'allin' bet @ 50%. Super duper nice. πŸ˜πŸ€‘

This one super crazy though. Super scary but i still took risk. Took many rolls first before I went allin. A lot of 2 to 6 consecutive reds before i risk all my doge. Lucky twent green. Will never do this again I swear. This ones my FIRST and LAST. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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Never thought I'd be participating on this one but yeah, here it is..... Another addition to my firsts.....


Crazy I was able to complete this week's forum challenge using my available 30 doges in just half a day. So lucky!!!!!! 🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩
Today I have my newest addition to my FIRSTs 😁😁😁
first time hitting 1000x while doing the plinko forum challenge
Nver really thought i'd be hitting this bcause my balance was already getting small but boom there one of d plinko balls slowly dropped in the 1000x hole hahaha!!

YAAAAHHH!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
