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I'm 19 years old, and throughout my journey has a beginner writer, I have constantly tried improving my writing skill. Though am not yet there neither am I close to being perfect. I will be sharing with you what I have discovered about common errors we make while writing our first chapter in a story or novel.
Have you ever started the first chapter of a story or novel without paying attention to certain things? Which are the role a first chapter plays in convincing or persuading readers to continue reading. Have you ever wondered what makes a reader wants to read more or captivated by your content? If yes, then you just found your partner. Is it really our large write ups or our large descriptions of a situation that captivates a reader? The answer runs down to no. And this is usually because most of this might end up making your readers to lose interest in your book while reading. So what should we really include or exclude to captivate our readers mind.
So I did my own research, by reading and listening to what other readers had to say. My observation of things that easily bored me while reading and others online and around me. Made me to come up with this article to share my point of view of some of the things to include or exclude in your first chapter to ensure your readers remain engaged throughout your narrative
First before writing, imagine a situation where readers have five minutes to decide whether your novel or story is worth their time or before gaining or losing interest to read further. So in this case your task, as a writer, is to convince them of the value of your content within that short period of time. To do this, it's important to get straight to the point. Include some internal and external conflict which will give live to your characters, which will emphasize on their emotions in difficulty. Crafting a unique chapter that doesn't burden the readers with unnecessary descriptions.
Another common mistake beginner writer like me makes is holding back all the fun stuff of our story for later chapters, leaving readers without a sense of anticipation or eagerness. Think about it this way; what's the point of saving all the excitement for later if you can't capture your audience's attention in the first chapter? Instead, use the first chapter to introduce a captivating scene that leaves readers craving more.
In conclusion, we have to remember that an effective first chapter introduces both external and internal conflict your character is facing or an interesting trait or behaviour of your character. So your novel or story should give readers an idea of the journey they are about to embark on through your write up and it should establish a connection between them and your narrative, engaging their emotions, creating a spark in their curiosity, and leaving them with unanswered questions that will push them to explore further.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope it has been helpful to you. I'm always eager to learn, and I believe that both professionals and beginners like myself can benefit from sharing knowledge and experiences. Please feel free to leave your comments below, sharing your ideas, questions (if you have any), or any valuable tips you have.