Mend it May


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Mend it May is one of the finest concepts in the world of fashions I came across this year. It is a sustainable goal that encourages people to mend and reuse their old clothes rather than dumping them in the environment and buying new ones which is disadvantageous for our mother earth and environment too.
This concept in the fashion world inspired so many young people to showcase their creativity and reuse their old clothes without guilt. Moreover, may is a special month for this specific practice where people around the world repair their old items and post on social media with hashtags of #menditmay to Inspire other people for doing the same. This is actually how I came across the concept of mend it may.
One fine day , while I was scrolling my Instagram, I saw a post of young women in Karachi who have set out in public space with old clothes in their hands to mend them. This watered the quest of curiosity in me to do a little research on it and reading about this totally blew my mind. I appreciate how in the world of fashion where brands come up with genz clothing items every passing day with so many industrial works leaving vast impact on climate, on the other side of world there are also fashion designers who take care of our mother earth and encourage young influencers and small businesses' owners to bring in fashion old(yet good to use) mended clothes into fashion.
This May I mended a few items in my wardrobe after coming across this concept and I want the world to make good use of this fashion trend and save the world from major disasters ahead.
Here is my personal advice you can do to promote your mend it may fashion:

1:Cover holes or tears in your clothes with beautiful hand embroideries.
2:Make a denim tote for your groceries out of old jeans.
3: design a crop-top out of loose old t-shirt in your wardrobe.
4: make yourself a scrunchie or bow out leftover fabrics of your recent stitched dress.
5: normalise donating your old clothes to poor than dumping them.

You do not only get to manage your finances this way but also support the agenda of sustainability goals in the world. So mend your one wear this may and benefit the environment.
Me sewing my clothes so I don't buy new ones...

Lolol 😂

I love that clothes are reused, it is something necessary for the planet and our pockets. Clothing is only a basic necessity, i agree
In my family, all the children pass clothes from generation to generation, some already have a t-shirt 2.0 version with patches or embroidery haha. Nothing is lost, everything transforms✨
That's what combine families do. And that's the best part to remember
I love doing arts and crafts, and one of those is re-designing old clothes, specially denim jeans. I usually make bags, water bottle holders/bags, and other stuffs. Or I regularly check my closet and check the clothes we don't wear anymore but are still in good condition and hand them to less fortunate people in our community. We do the same thing with bags, shoes and slippers.
I love doing arts and crafts, and one of those is re-designing old clothes, specially denim jeans. I usually make bags, water bottle holders'bags, and other stuffs. Or I regularly check my closet and check the clothes we don't wear anymore but are still un good condition and hand them to less fortunate people in our community. We do the same thing with bags, shoes and slippers.
That's so nice. It's really good to help the needy in the community. What's what makes us human.
Nice topic my friend. 😊 I love wearing my old clothes as a matter of fact, most of my clothes were bought 5 years agon while some very very old now. 😂 I don't really like giving or throwing my clothes away specially if I love wearing them so much. Some of my clothes when already have torns I just mend them so I can wear them again. Also, with food and other basic things becoming more expensive year by year practicality is a must so if old clothes can still be saved and used til the next years to come, better save them than keep buying new ones to replace the old.
I love doing arts and crafts, and one of those is re-designing old clothes, specially denim jeans. I usually make bags, water bottle holders/bags, and other stuffs. Or I regularly check my closet and check the clothes we don't wear anymore but are still in good condition and hand them to less fortunate people in our community. We do the same thing with bags, shoes and slippers.
Lits good habbit and dont wast anyting without use if we think different we can get benifit from that also so thatis great lesson for life