Let's make chat more enjoyable 😉


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Let's make chat more enjoyable 😉

User1: Good Luck!
User2: Good game.
User3: Hi, good luck!
User4: Hello
User4: Good luck
User4: How are you
User5: !btc (used for sharing btc price)
User6: !eth (used for sharing eth price)
User5: !ltc (used for sharing litecoin price)
User7: good price!
User8: good morning (not once, but shared before and still shares the same greeting)
User7: Keep winning
User8 win more good luck.
User9: Hey.
User9: Hi.
User9: how are you?
User10: Hey, guys, isn't it over with your short and spammy messages? They are irritating the good chatters! Please learn how to chat first!
User5: !xrp (used to share xrp price)

User10: ha ha ha, what a culture of sharing prices separately! Make them all together to let everyone knows the prices only in one message!

This is how the spammy chat looks like! Do you still want to keep the spammy culture on top or you are fed up with it? Let's delve into some amazing ways to make chat more enjoyable and vanish the spammy culture! I have some important focuses on 2 of the most essential things that start spams within the chat. One, trying to bring some useful sentences to cover greeting sections, as most of the spams are greetings of users time and again! And the second, showing, for those who are yet unknown that they can share the prices of crypto all together. I hope these both tactics would surely make the chat more useful and remove spammy culture from it!

We often find users, wether they are unknown to English or are willingly putting their name in the spam lists in order to convey their spammy presences to the rainbot! They state greetings and words not more than 2. Such as, "Good morning" and "Good Luck". Users find them the most appropriate phrases to be used in the chat! It is perfectly alright to wish some good luck and greet for the purpose of interactions with other users. When they are overused by the same users that would turn to be more a spam than wishes or greetings. Did you ever think why do they apply these short messages in the chat? For sure, they don't always want to create spam, but start a chat with other users. Let me jot down some useful sentences that would help them with an initiation to conversation and stop the spammy culture caused by them willingly or unwillingly.

User1: Hey there! It is a wonderful morning here, how does it feel in your regions?

This type of a sentence catches one's attentions for a response! And then there occurs a well-grown conversation between the greeter and the others either chatting or lurking.

On the other side, wishes are often compelling for a conversation if wishers utilize some sort of specific vocabularies and expression! Such as

User 2: Having some beautiful greens is a wish of everyone, and for you, i would really wish higher greenery on your bets than you can ever think of! Grave the green bets amazing gamblers.

The wish has some beautiful-expressive vocabularies that often bring one's focus onwards! This later emerges as a conversation of the wisher and other users reading the chat!

Let's jump to the mext point! That is of spamming the prices separately!

Prices can be shared without spamming each differently!

it is too much simple to post the prices by simply adding these symbols and code worde, such as "!btc" that i already mentioned what does it showcases!

However, we have been witnessing separate sharing of crypto prices in the chat! We can make it more easy and beautiful by posting the symbol "!" And after each code of crypto like "ltc" "btc" "xrp". The posting of all together will be easy by putting all of them together like,

!btc !ltc !xrp !trx !doge !eth and so on!

I hope this small post will develop entertainments and decrease the spams in the chats!

Good luck!
I appreciate your guidance on the issue of spamming, I also think the old users has a role to play in this, speaking from experience, most of the old users here are unapproachable, when you reply to their messages they pick people they know and leave the rest people hanging, which leaves new users no choice but to spam.
The Change we are looking for should start with us, respond and correct people with kindness and not disdain... this is my own personal opinion doesn't really matter any thanks ❤️
I appreciate your guidance on the issue of spamming, I also think the old users has a role to play in this, speaking from experience, most of the old users here are unapproachable, when you reply to their messages they pick people they know and leave the rest people hanging, which leaves new users no choice but to spam.
The Change we are looking for should start with us, respond and correct people with kindness and not disdain... this is my own personal opinion doesn't really matter any thanks ❤️
True... and I'm glad that i respond everyone :p