How does Martingale Strategy Works at Windice

This thread is worth being more frequently updated, actually. Thanks for sharing the strategy. I guess I should try it next time, what do you think? I'd also be very grateful if you guys shared other alternative strategies. Then I think it will be the most useful thread ever!! Tbh, I'm so glad I've found it. I was reading the article on and accidentally clicked on this forum link. It's said everything happens on purpose. I think so too. Let's keep the thread updated, guys.
This thread is worth being more frequently updated, actually. Thanks for sharing the strategy. I guess I should try it next time, what do you think? I'd also be very grateful if you guys shared other alternative strategies. Then I think it will be the most useful thread ever!! Tbh, I'm so glad I've found it. I was reading the article on and accidentally clicked on this forum link. It's said everything happens on purpose. I think so too. Let's keep the thread updated, guys.

Couple of things before you can consider it a lucrative thing to bet and win on Martingale strategy. You need to be super rich in order to use this strategy, why I am saying this is because on every loss you have to double the size of the bet. Say on a given day if you have high number of red streaks consecutively then what will you do? I have seen myself 13-14 red streaks easily and even heard some of them have faced higher than this.

So sure, we do not have so much money to keep multiplying our bets for so much red streaks and this is where the casinos wins. House edge always is against you so never to forget before playing it.

Unless you think you cannot have this many reds and can manage to have that amount of money you may wanna play with this strategy. As well, there is no formulated strategy or anything which may help you to win continuously in any casino. Some times what it works for you may not work for others or at times same strategy that made you win might not work the same way for you only, because not all days will be as lucky as other days.

So play to have some fun and enjoy the rewards in process if you happen to win during the games.
Honestly dont know how martingale works til now haha.
Dnt know how to use it and lazy to study how that freakin works. But good info. 😊