Gratitude and forgiveness as banners every day.


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Gratitude and forgiveness as banners every day.

But real gratitude, the kind that looks like an invisible handrail where you can hold on when the road is screwed up. That gratitude that saves you from pessimism, the one that opens your eyes and you can see that even in the worst moments, countless wonderful things and people surround you.

And true forgiveness, the kind that makes you wonder why the other thinks the way he thinks, why he acts the way he acts. How much damage they did to him, what a difficult life he had, what he lacked, what he had left over... knowing everything is forgiving everything, because there you realize that each one does what they can with what they are and that most of the time it's not personal.

Of course, if you're hurt with someone or you're pessimistic, what I write seems stupid to you, but really, those who know me know that sometimes I'm even incomprehensible for looking for a way around things, but I'd rather wallow looking for solutions than stay stuck like a sticker in resentment, and pessimism uff I've lived enough years.

So, no bullshit. Gratitude and forgiveness as banners.


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قدردانی و بخشش به عنوان بنرهای هر روز.

اما قدردانی واقعی، نوعی که مانند یک نرده نامرئی به نظر می رسد که در هنگام خراب شدن جاده می توانید آن را نگه دارید. آن شکرگزاری که شما را از بدبینی نجات می دهد، آن قدردانی که چشمان شما را باز می کند و می توانید ببینید که حتی در بدترین لحظات، چیزها و افراد شگفت انگیز بی شماری شما را احاطه کرده اند.

و بخشش واقعی، نوعی که باعث می‌شود متعجب شوی چرا دیگری آن‌طور که او فکر می‌کند، چرا آن‌طور که خودش عمل می‌کند عمل می‌کند. چقدر بهش لطمه زدند، چه زندگی سختی داشت، چه کم داشت، چه کم داشت... دانستن همه چیز بخشیدن همه چیز است، زیرا آنجا متوجه می‌شوی که هر کدام با آنچه هستند، هر کاری از دستشان بر می‌آید انجام می‌دهند و بیشتر اوقات شخصی نیست.

البته اگر با کسی صدمه دیده اید یا بدبین هستید، آنچه می نویسم به نظر شما احمقانه می آید، اما واقعاً کسانی که من را می شناسند می دانند که گاهی اوقات من حتی برای یافتن راهی برای دور زدن چیزها غیرقابل درک هستم، اما من ترجیح می دهم به دنبال راه حل غوطه ور شوم تا اینکه مانند برچسبی در رنجش و بدبینی گیر کنم.

پس مزخرف نیست قدردانی و بخشش به عنوا،،،،،،،،،بسیار زیبا،،غروب خورشید هست؟کجاست؟
Gratitude and forgiveness as banners every day.

But real gratitude, the kind that looks like an invisible handrail where you can hold on when the road is screwed up. That gratitude that saves you from pessimism, the one that opens your eyes and you can see that even in the worst moments, countless wonderful things and people surround you.

And true forgiveness, the kind that makes you wonder why the other thinks the way he thinks, why he acts the way he acts. How much damage they did to him, what a difficult life he had, what he lacked, what he had left over... knowing everything is forgiving everything, because there you realize that each one does what they can with what they are and that most of the time it's not personal.

Of course, if you're hurt with someone or you're pessimistic, what I write seems stupid to you, but really, those who know me know that sometimes I'm even incomprehensible for looking for a way around things, but I'd rather wallow looking for solutions than stay stuck like a sticker in resentment, and pessimism uff I've lived enough years.

So, no bullshit. Gratitude and forgiveness as banners.
Love this. If everyone has this kind of attitude, maybe just maybe, there will be no hatred and we can all live peacefully. Nice sharing sissy. ❤️