if you didnt won last year this year will be your year , if not this year, next year again bwahahhaa
dont mind your past losses nor the future bets , whats important now is how can you profit now this present <3
an average BETTOR makes a win and FEELS GOOD , a GREAT BETTOR makes a win and FEELS NOTHING!
If you havent gambled your rent money , you still ok <3
Here is one quote I like.

"The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.

.... for me this means i you wanna be greedy be greedy only once. Hahahahahaha! Char
Heres one cool quote i've seen online and this is from Ben Affleck.

The thing about online gambling is that it's never away, it's always accessible. And so, if you have an issue with gambling, it's designed to take advantage of that.