Fourth wave of the pandemic - when is it going to happen?


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Fourth wave of the pandemic - when is it going to happen?


After being hit by the third wave of the pandemic, people worldwide are hopeful of kickstarting a post-COVID life, with many countries recovering from the Delta variant.
On the other hand, we still see countries that previously sustained a low case count, like the U.S. and Australia, experiencing a surge in cases despite having strict border control.
3 table of contents
  • What is the global COVID-19 situation like?;
  • How are travel restriction affected around the world?;
  • Doctors worry Canda's 4th wave of COVID-19 could be biggest yet.

What is the global COVID-19 situation like?​

The COVID-19 situation is globally quite diverse. Some of the countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, which were previously epicentres of the Delta variant, have now significantly reduced in cases in relation to the past three months. They have either hit a plateau or have continued to decrease in terms of the new case count.
On the other hand, countries that seemed shielded from the Delta variant are now experiencing a surge in cases driven by the very variant.
The surge or drop in new cases in many countries is not characterised by a steady change and has rather been seeing fluctuations.

How are travel restrictions affected around the world?​

The placing and releasing of travel restrictions internationally have been a product of each country’s socio-economic factors and COVID-19 situation. Several new developments have unfolded in light of changing COVID situations.

The United Arab Emirates has seen a steady release in international travel restrictions over the past month and has stayed true to its stead by lifting travel restrictions for 15 countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Namibia, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Africa, Nigeria and Afghanistan from 12 September. This is most likely in line with the awaited Expo 2020 World Fair being held in Dubai.

While cases in the Philippines has been on a rise, the government has declared that the country is not experiencing the fourth wave as no delta variant strains have been increasing in the country. The Philippines has also decided to ease longstanding travel restrictions from 6 September for all inbound travellers from 10 countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, the UAE, Oman, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The European Union on the other hand removed the United States from its safe travel list in late August, in concerns of the ongoing fourth wave thereby tightening restrictions on non-essential travel to certain EU countries. Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are the countries that have strictly restricted travel from the United States.

Denmark has also banned entry to travellers from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam, Japan and Serbia.

Germany, despite facing the fourth wave, has not closed borders and has instead added Albania, Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Japan, The Palestinian Territories, Serbia and Sri Lanka to the high-risk areas as it monitors the global COVID-19 situation.

The United Kingdom released travel restrictions for India and continues to implement the traffic light system despite increasing COVID-19 cases and pushback in order to facilitate international travel for inbound students.

India has expanded its travel curbs to South Africa, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand and Zimbabwe considering the risk of mutations in SARS-CoV-2. The UK, EU and the Middle East were the countries India had previously tightened restrictions for. International travellers from all these countries would now need RT-PCR negative reports to get on flights to India and RT-PCR testing upon arrival.​

We’re in big trouble’: Doctors worry Canada’s 4th wave of COVID-19 could be biggest yet​

With case numbers shooting up in Ontario, Alberta and B.C., health experts worry that Canada could be going into its worst wave of COVID-19 yet, unless governments act now to stop it.

“We’re in big trouble,” said Dr. Joe Vipond, an emergency physician in Calgary and co-founder of Masks4Canada.

His calculations show that Alberta’s case numbers are doubling roughly every 11 days. So, if that trend continues, he said, Alberta could see 1,200 new cases per day in early September, and 2,400 daily cases by the middle of the month.

Thanks for your time to reading my thread!
Many countries have not witnessed the their wave yet and that is a good sign. Those are either getting maximum vaccination or able to maintain the protocol, which is helping them to prevent the third wave.

Indeed do not even want to see the fourth wave of it in any part of world.
Not everyone does not want to vaccinate, so it's hard to keep your word but
it will be a good step forward, I have such an impression.

Fourth wave will come, just number which dead, case and new case...
Its all about civic sense in the end. Even if you are not vaccinated but if you maintain the 6 feet distance or wear your mask always moving out or someone near you, chances drop to a certain % only of spreading virus.

But if people do not understand this than nobody can help.