Fear of failure !!!


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Warm greetings and best wishes to each and everyone of you. Today I'd like to talk about people's fears.
We are familiar with the features, contests, and challenges of this website (Windice). We must keep in mind that every day aren't same, before looking deeply into the subject.
It's not always the case that success equates to success. Failure is not a guarantee of failure. Some of you may only try contests and avoid weekly challenges because you are afraid you won't be able to finish them. Yes, success and luck are key factors. Nothing can stop you from succeeding if the odds are in your favor. When you watch the weekly challenges bet requirements, however, at least don't be afraid.
I remembered some of my friends giving up after seeing the requirements for completing the weekly challenges, even though they didn't try. Maybe it's okay if you don't have enough money to try. If you do have some money, then definitely give it a shot. Decide on a stop loss. Stop or make a target if you lose enough money. If you are unable to finish but still want to turn a profit, it is also sufficient until you can take part in the following weekly forum round.

I'd like to tell you an interesting narrative about fear of failure.

Fear of failure Hunting is not a simple activity. Tigers attack their prey in an attempt to obtain food, but 90% of attacks fail. In other words, 90% of attacks fail. Fifty times a cheetah returns without success after attacking for its food a hundred times. Let's taunt the cheetah to make his life miserable if he exists alongside with people.
You failed to catch so-and-so deer, and you failed to catch so-and-so rabbit. The tiger, who rules the jungle, also learns of it. The failure rate for a lone lion hunting during the day is 80 out of 100 attacks. You and I are the ones who give up on our goals because we are afraid of failing. This system tells us not to give up and not to be scared of failure.

Remind yourself that those who are strong and persistent will succeed, not those who are easy.
I remembered some of my friends giving up after seeing the requirements for completing the weekly challenges, even though they didn't try. Maybe it's okay if you don't have enough money to try. If you do have some money, then definitely give it a shot. Decide on a stop loss. Stop or make a target if you lose enough money. If you are unable to finish but still want to turn a profit, it is also sufficient until you can take part in the following weekly forum round.

Sometimes, having fear is good. I did not try the weekly challenges because I saw how competitive they were. Knowing there are dozens of better gamblers than I am, should I try the challenges if I have enough money? You may say I should, but my gut feeling says if your heart does not want to do it, don't do it. I will end up losing my bankroll trying the weekly challenges. I could use the same bankroll to try different slots and may win something crazy.