Giveaway 🧑‍🍳🌍Windice food Atlas contest🧑‍🍳🌍


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We are a casino with a huge community from around the world, so we will make a Windice Atlas with the best of our countries! Will you make money from that? Of course you will!

In this edition, the steps to participate will be very simple, but you will have to give your best by sharing a recipe from your country with a photo. The recipe has to be yours, copy and paste is not allowed! The photo is free, it can be yours, your grandmother's or from the internet. Read the contest rules carefully!
  1. Share in a new post a recipe from your country that must have: title, recipe, picture and at the end hashtags about the recipe (for example if you post rice you will use all rice hashtags #rice #ricerecipe and more)
  2. The recipe has to be yours, COPY AND PASTE IS NOT ALLOWED.
  3. Each valid recipe will be an entry for the contest, but if you share your forum post with recipe on social media, you will add 1 extra chance (1 chance for each social network you choose)
  4. I will check the participating posts and the entries on social networks and I will write in this post how many chances each participant is adding.
  5. The contest will end on Sunday, October 20th at 16pm UTC. A random drawing will be made and posted on our Instagram and prizes will be awarded at the time (duplicate accounts or users who have committed fraud in other giveaways before will not be eligible).


Good luck Windicers! Let's see what you have to share with the world!



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Somos un casino con una comunidad enorme de todo el mundo, así que haremos un Atlas de Windice con lo mejor de nuestros países! ¿Ganarás dinero con eso? ¡Claro que sí!

En esta edición, los pasos para participar serán muy sencillos, pero tendrás que dar lo mejor de ti compartiendo una receta de tu país con una foto. La receta tiene que ser tuya, ¡no se permite copiar y pegar! La foto es libre, puede ser tuya, de tu abuela o de internet. ¡Lee atentamente las bases del concurso!


Comparte en un nuevo post una receta de tu país que debe tener: título, receta, imagen y al final hashtags sobre la receta (por ejemplo si publicas arroz utilizarás todos los hashtags de arroz #arroz #recetaarroz y más)
La receta tiene que ser tuya, NO SE PERMITE COPIAR Y PEGAR. Cada receta válida será una entrada para el concurso, pero si compartes tu publicación del foro con la receta en las redes sociales, sumarás 1 chance extra (1 chance por cada red social que elijas)
Revisaré las publicaciones participantes y las entradas en las redes sociales y escribiré en este post cuántas chances suma cada participante.
El concurso finalizará el domingo 20 de octubre a las 16:00 UTC. Se realizará un sorteo al azar que se publicará en nuestro Instagram y se entregarán los premios en el momento (no serán elegibles las cuentas duplicadas o los usuarios que hayan cometido fraude en otros sorteos anteriores).



¡Buena suerte Windicers! ¡Veamos qué tienen para compartir con el mundo!


Somos um cassino com uma comunidade enorme de todo o mundo, então faremos um Atlas Windice com o melhor dos nossos países! Você ganhará dinheiro com isso? Claro que sim!

Nesta edição, os passos para participar serão muito simples, mas você terá que dar o seu melhor compartilhando uma receita do seu país com uma foto. A receita tem que ser sua, copiar e colar não é permitido! A foto é gratuita, pode ser sua, da sua avó ou da internet. Leia atentamente as regras do concurso!


Compartilhe em uma nova postagem uma receita do seu país que deve ter: título, receita, imagem e no final hashtags sobre a receita (por exemplo, se você postar arroz, usará todas as hashtags de arroz #arroz #receitaarroz e mais)
A receita tem que ser sua, COPIAR E COLAR NÃO É PERMITIDO.
Cada receita válida será uma inscrição para o concurso, mas se você compartilhar sua postagem no fórum com a receita nas redes sociais, você adicionará 1 chance extra (1 chance para cada rede social que você escolher)
Verificarei as postagens participantes e as inscrições nas redes sociais e escreverei nesta postagem quantas chances cada participante está adicionando.
O concurso terminará no domingo, 20 de outubro às 16h UTC. Um sorteio aleatório será feito e publicado em nosso Instagram e os prêmios serão concedidos no momento (contas duplicadas ou usuários que cometeram fraude em outros sorteios antes não serão elegíveis).



Boa sorte, Windicers! Vamos ver o que vocês têm para compartilhar com o mundo!


Мы казино с огромным сообществом со всего мира, поэтому мы создадим Windice Atlas с лучшими блюдами из наших стран! Вы заработаете на этом? Конечно, заработаете!

В этом выпуске шаги для участия будут очень простыми, но вам придется приложить все усилия, поделившись рецептом из вашей страны с фотографией. Рецепт должен быть вашим, копирование и вставка не допускаются! Фотография бесплатная, она может быть вашей, вашей бабушки или из интернета. Внимательно прочитайте правила конкурса!


Поделитесь в новом посте рецептом из вашей страны, который должен содержать: название, рецепт, изображение и в конце хэштеги о рецепте (например, если вы публикуете рис, вы будете использовать все хэштеги риса #rice #ricerecipe и другие)
Каждый действительный рецепт будет заявкой на участие в конкурсе, но если вы поделитесь своим постом на форуме с рецептом в социальных сетях, вы добавите 1 дополнительный шанс (1 шанс для каждой выбранной вами социальной сети)
Я проверю участвующие посты и записи в социальных сетях и напишу в этом посте, сколько шансов добавляет каждый участник.
Конкурс завершится в воскресенье, 20 октября, в 16:00 UTC. Будет проведен случайный розыгрыш, который будет опубликован в нашем Instagram, и призы будут вручены в то же время (дубликаты аккаунтов или пользователи, которые ранее совершили мошенничество в других розыгрышах, не будут иметь права).



Удачи, Windicers! Посмотрим, чем вы поделитесь с миром!
Trinxat de Cerdaña. un plato destacado dentro de la cocina catalana de montaña y en Puigcerdá se celebra cada año la Festa del Trinxat. Sus ingredientes son patata, col de invierno, cerdo salado o tocino, y para sazonar aceite de oliva y ajo. hecho en base de hervir patata y col y después triturar y mezclarlos. Se añade tocino (o beicon) y algún tipo de manteca (grasa) para freír la mezcla. se añade ajo frito. Así queda más rico 😋
Por último se fríe todo en una sartén al fogón hasta que queda cocido y con forma de tortilla de patata.
Trinxat of Cerdanya. a prominent dish in Catalan mountain cuisine and the Festa del Trinxat is celebrated every year in Puigcerdá. Its ingredients are potato, winter cabbage, salted pork or bacon, and to season it is olive oil and garlic. Made from boiling potatoes and cabbage and then grinding and mixing them. Bacon (or bacon) and some type of butter (fat) are added to fry the mixture. fried garlic is added. This way it is richer
4 столовые ложки измельченных овсяных хлопьев;
1 яйцо;
2-3 столовые ложки кефира либо сметаны;
1 столовую ложку мёда;
немного разрыхлителя;
Любые сухофрукты, орехи, фрукты и т.д.;
Все ингредиенты перемешиваем и ставим в микроволновую печь на 3-5 минут в зависимости от мощности вашей микроволновой печи. Украсить бананами, либо другими ягодами, либо фруктами.
Кекс готов!🍮☕
#правильноепитание #кекс #сладости #рецепты

4 tablespoons of chopped oatmeal;
1 egg;
2-3 tablespoons of kefir or sour cream;
1 tablespoon of honey;
a little baking powder;
Any dried fruits, nuts, fruits, etc.;
Mix all the ingredients and place in the microwave for 3-5 minutes, depending on the power of your microwave. Decorate with bananas or other berries or fruits.
The cupcake is ready!🍮☕
#cook #propernutrition# cupcake# #recipes

Trinxat de Cerdaña. un plato destacado dentro de la cocina catalana de montaña y en Puigcerdá se celebra cada año la Festa del Trinxat. Sus ingredientes son patata, col de invierno, cerdo salado o tocino, y para sazonar aceite de oliva y ajo. hecho en base de hervir patata y col y después triturar y mezclarlos. Se añade tocino (o beicon) y algún tipo de manteca (grasa) para freír la mezcla. se añade ajo frito. Así queda más rico 😋 View attachment 10378Por último se fríe todo en una sartén al fogón hasta que queda cocido y con forma de tortilla de patata.
es valida, solo agrega hashtags editando este comentario y estas participando!
Trinxat of Cerdanya. a prominent dish in Catalan mountain cuisine and the Festa del Trinxat is celebrated every year in Puigcerdá. Its ingredients are potato, winter cabbage, salted pork or bacon, and to season it is olive oil and garlic. Made from boiling potatoes and cabbage and then grinding and mixing them. Bacon (or bacon) and some type of butter (fat) are added to fry the mixture. fried garlic is added. This way it is richer
not valid. please read the challenge rules. Thank you
4 столовые ложки измельченных овсяных хлопьев;
1 яйцо;
2-3 столовые ложки кефира либо сметаны;
1 столовую ложку мёда;
немного разрыхлителя;
Любые сухофрукты, орехи, фрукты и т.д.;
Все ингредиенты перемешиваем и ставим в микроволновую печь на 3-5 минут в зависимости от мощности вашей микроволновой печи. Украсить бананами, либо другими ягодами, либо фруктами.
Кекс готов!🍮☕
#правильноепитание #кекс #сладости #рецепты

4 tablespoons of chopped oatmeal;
1 egg;
2-3 tablespoons of kefir or sour cream;
1 tablespoon of honey;
a little baking powder;
Any dried fruits, nuts, fruits, etc.;
Mix all the ingredients and place in the microwave for 3-5 minutes, depending on the power of your microwave. Decorate with bananas or other berries or fruits.
The cupcake is ready!🍮☕
#cook #propernutrition# cupcake# #recipes

Вы меня приятно удивили. Ваш рецепт потрясающий! Большое спасибо за ваше участие!
the name of this dish>karedok is a traditional Indonesian dish from West Java province, specifically Sundanese cuisine. Ingredients:
- 5 long beans, thinly sliced
- 1 cucumber, sliced into small pieces
- 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
- 1/2 ounce bean sprouts
- 2 round eggplants, sliced into small pieces
- 1/2 bunch of basil

- 1 ounce of roasted peanuts
- 1 red chili
- 2 cayenne peppers
- A little shrimp paste
- 2 kencur segments
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- salt and brown sugar
- 1 tsp tamarind juice (optional)

How to make:
1. Puree the chili paste, kencur, garlic, salt and brown sugar,
- Then add peanuts and tamarind water, puree and add a little water if necessary.
- Add all the vegetables, stir until smooth.
- Serve with crackers.>note this dish is very suitable for those on a diet and vegetarians,,, thank you, enjoy
the name of this dish>karedok is a traditional Indonesian dish from West Java province, specifically Sundanese cuisine. Ingredients:
- 5 long beans, thinly sliced
- 1 cucumber, sliced into small pieces
- 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
- 1/2 ounce bean sprouts
- 2 round eggplants, sliced into small pieces
- 1/2 bunch of basil

- 1 ounce of roasted peanuts
- 1 red chili
- 2 cayenne peppers
- A little shrimp paste
- 2 kencur segments
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- salt and brown sugar
- 1 tsp tamarind juice (optional)

How to make:
1. Puree the chili paste, kencur, garlic, salt and brown sugar,
- Then add peanuts and tamarind water, puree and add a little water if necessary.
- Add all the vegetables, stir until smooth.
- Serve with crackers.>note this dish is very suitable for those on a diet and vegetarians,,, thank you, enjoy View attachment 10384
yummy yummy 😋 😋 🤤 🤤
the name of this dish>karedok is a traditional Indonesian dish from West Java province, specifically Sundanese cuisine. Ingredients:
- 5 long beans, thinly sliced
- 1 cucumber, sliced into small pieces
- 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
- 1/2 ounce bean sprouts
- 2 round eggplants, sliced into small pieces
- 1/2 bunch of basil

- 1 ounce of roasted peanuts
- 1 red chili
- 2 cayenne peppers
- A little shrimp paste
- 2 kencur segments
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- salt and brown sugar
- 1 tsp tamarind water (optional)

How to make:
1. Puree the chili paste , kencur, garlic, salt and brown sugar,
- Then add peanuts and tamarind water, puree and add a little water if necessary.
- Add all the vegetables, stir until smooth.
- Serve with crackers.>note this dish is very suitable for those on a diet and vegetarians,,, thank you, enjoy
#vegetables#healthy food#karedok#
the name of this dish>karedok is a traditional Indonesian dish from West Java province, specifically Sundanese cuisine. Ingredients:
- 5 long beans, thinly sliced
- 1 cucumber, sliced into small pieces
- 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
- 1/2 ounce bean sprouts
- 2 round eggplants, sliced into small pieces
- 1/2 bunch of basil

- 1 ounce of roasted peanuts
- 1 red chili
- 2 cayenne peppers
- A little shrimp paste
- 2 kencur segments
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- salt and brown sugar
- 1 tsp tamarind juice (optional)

How to make:
1. Puree the chili paste, kencur, garlic, salt and brown sugar,
- Then add peanuts and tamarind water, puree and add a little water if necessary.
- Add all the vegetables, stir until smooth.
- Serve with crackers.>note this dish is very suitable for those on a diet and vegetarians,,, thank you, enjoy View attachment 10384
omg looks awesome! please remember to put hashtags about your recipe for example #karedok
name of this dish>karedok is a traditional Indonesian dish from West Java province, especially Sundanese cuisine. Ingredients:
- 5 long beans, thinly sliced
- 1 cucumber, finely sliced
- 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
- 1/2 ounce bean sprouts
- 2 round eggplants, cut into small pieces
- 1/2 bunch of basil

- 1 ounce roasted peanuts
- 1 red chili
- 2 cayenne peppers
- A little shrimp paste
- 2 segments of galangal
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- salt and brown sugar
- 1 tsp tamarind water (optional)

How to make:
1. Puree the cayenne pepper, galangal, garlic, salt and brown sugar,
- Then add the peanuts and tamarind water, blend and add water little by little if necessary.
- Add all the vegetables, stir until well blended.
- Serve with crackers. >Please note that this dish is very suitable for those on a diet and vegetarians,,,thank you, enjoy
Pakistani biryani recipe

Biryani is a beloved dish across Pakistan, and there are several popular variants. Here are some well-known Biryani recipes in Pakistan:

*Types of Biryani:*

1. Sindhi Biryani
2. Hyderabadi Biryani
3. Lahori Biryani
4. Karachi Biryani
5. Beef Biryani
6. Chicken Biryani
7. Mutton Biryani

*Popular Biryani Recipes:*

1. Sindhi Biryani: Made with basmati rice, meat (beef or chicken), and spices like cumin, coriander, and turmeric.
2. Hyderabadi Biryani: Known for its rich, flavorful broth and use of saffron, cardamom, and cinnamon.
3. Lahori Biryani: Famous for its spicy flavor, using chili peppers, cumin, and coriander.

*Key Ingredients:*

- Basmati rice
- Meat (beef, chicken, or mutton)
- Spices (cumin, coriander, turmeric, red chili powder, garam masala)
- Aromatics (onions, garlic, ginger)
- Yogurt or lemon juice (for marination)
- Ghee or oil

*Simple Biryani Recipe:*


- 1 cup basmati rice
- 1 lb meat (beef or chicken)
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tsp cumin seeds
- 1 tsp coriander powder
- 1 tsp turmeric
- Salt, to taste
- 2 tbsp ghee or oil


1. Cook rice separately.
2. Marinate meat with yogurt, lemon juice, and spices.
3. Cook meat with onions, garlic, and aromatics.
4. Layer cooked rice and meat mixture.
5. Steam until flavors combine.


- Use high-quality basmati rice.
- Balance spice levels to suit your taste.
- Adjust cooking time for meat and rice.

Enjoy exploring the world of Pakistani Biryani!

Would you like a specific recipe or variations? #rice #ricerespi #pakitani baryani.


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