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  • “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect -and I don’t live to be- but before you start pointing fingers… make sure you hands are clean!”

    ~ Bob Marley
    “When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.”

    ~ Louis Nizer
    When your momma tells you daughters should be the one to get more support and be properly taken good care of cus theyre more vulnerable and weaker but jst now she'll tell u to be more understanding and giving cuz u are luckier than your brothers bla bla bla..... 🤧🤒😭
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    Reactions: DynamiCam
    Tell your momma it’s 2022.
    Hey your mother sounds like she really loves you. She honestly sounds like she has wisdom you should embrace random people come and go and their love is conditional but a mother’s love and hopes for you is something that will never change unconditionally looking for better for you

    Stay awesome
    Funny how people around you take advantage of you yet someone just always tells you to be more understanding. That seems too unfair do you guys think????
    Not Putting yourself in a situation to be took advantage of is a key for not being took advantage of if you see it seems like it’s going to be a issue for you be honest and stand on your decision this world is full of parasites that feed on peoples negative energy

    Stay awesome 😎
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