jwd9pl1kdu3q WDP
ld76fbky4z4f 6Y
h290zxhw1nls HNS
tzi910yc1kmz TIYC
d2s3klloer22 ER
pke53tdkz55o PE
wtc9kvkf8fnv NV
3r6rr7k8i9zd RI
uaqhqhxhmpf4 AH
tyafi2leebvs AI
nvpwerocizt4 N
9xbyryeqj3ea A
Today I scrolled through my main browser, google to find great suggestion of articles to use as my topic here. And as I search for one good topic, I found this very interesting one which is entitled
"How A Little Bitcoin Could Have Transformed Your Portfolio"
Written by Brent Kentwell, one of...
Not practical as cryptocurrency is volatile. Today the amount of crypto you gifted to someone is of great value tomorrow these amounts may no longer make any sense either due to the currency's present value which went down over 20- 50% or on worst cases the currency gifted suddenly gets out...
Its never a good idea to stack assets in any online wallets specially if its for a long time. There are always unexpected events that happens and can happen in such online platforms anytime. No matter how much security you use in your online wallets, if these hackers finally get into the...
Agree. Powerful words have great impact to oneself whether these lines are negative or positive. They can always either build you or break you. So always using positive words can uplift others. We don't really know what others are going through each day, some are good at pretending they are...
Omg such a huge reward. Windice really is generous. I bet if this in another platform bug bounty reward is not that huge. Super lucky of you well done my friend.
Yeah windice never failed to wow me since the very first day i came here to play and try out their available contests both in telegram and here in forum. And hard to admit but yeah they do have the best Christmas events and not to mention, New Year event too. Oh, and their Anniversary events...
Ah yes i notice even before. There are a lot of great threads here in forum which contains suggestions, constant reminders, advices and such for achieving oneself through chatting and many other activities and a lot or atleast some of them would try to check these threads out. However, the real...
In the digital age, where communication happens at lightning speed, engagement is key. However, not all forms of activity are beneficial. The difference between actively spamming and being active, interactive, and constructive is critical, whether in online communities, social media platforms...