Recent content by helena214

  1. helena214

    Chat hunts

    Another helpful guide to the newbies in roll hunt. Thanks for sharing this chibby.
  2. helena214

    WINDICE in-house games

    A very good content and well explained. Thanks for posting this will be very helpful to those newbies who have no idea of windice's original games especially the dice game.
  3. helena214

    How To Join Forum Page on

    Thanks for posting a helpful guide to those having issues logging in to their forum account.
  4. helena214

    Telegram hunt guide

    Well explained. Thanks for posting chibby. This is very helpful to those who are interested in joining the Telegram roll hunt.
  5. helena214

    My XRP deposit address was changed and my deposit is missing

    You have to chat with us at support for that concern. You may use a VPN if you can't access the support desk. We need some requirements for verification of your XRP deposit. There are other users with the same issue which were already fixed by chatting with us at live chat support. FYI we are...
  6. helena214

    Marrey crissmis all friends

    Thank you
  7. helena214

    Windice event guide

    It's obvious that you really enjoyed hanging out here at windice and it's good that you know all the events and activities. Thank you for staying with us "chibby"
  8. helena214

    Windice giveaways on Twitter!

    Thanks for appreciating and following my advice 😊 Looking forward to seeing your name in the list of winners 🙏
  9. helena214

    Most beautiful chatting..

    Nice Wayne. This post made me smile 😊Thanks for being active in chat and for being observant. Cheers!
  10. helena214

    Windice is growing!

    It even reached 440 online users, too bad... I didn't take a screenshot
  11. helena214


    The minimum base bet will depend on the slot game that you have chosen
  12. helena214

    Closed Pecka's Stream #30

  13. helena214

    Quality vs. Quantity

    Seriously? XD