How A Little Bitcoin Could Have Transformed Your Portfolio


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Today I scrolled through my main browser, google to find great suggestion of articles to use as my topic here. And as I search for one good topic, I found this very interesting one which is entitled

"How A Little Bitcoin Could Have Transformed Your Portfolio"
Written by Brent Kentwell, one of the great contributors of

It's true indeed, it could have transformed ones portfolio. And again it hit me hard in the head. 😂
I remember I once made an article here about the man who was the first one to use BITCOIN as mode of payment in such transaction. He purchased 2 large boxes of pizza from Papa John's and paid 10,000 BTC not knowing and not expecting BTC would really go very high in the long run.
If he became very regretful, so are we. Haha!
So am I.

With how high BTC price really is right now, I am really regretful. I wish i could have stacked and started saving a few amount of BTC everytime I get one here in Windice in a form of prize rewards from such contests and profits from hunting. If I did, I could have had a nice amount of BTC in my crypto wallet already and my portfolio would look really really nice. Unfortunately I failed to leave even a few because I always end up exchanging it all to another currency and withdraw all the time.

Not to mention, so is with the XRP. I remember I also made a thread here about XRP few months ago, wherein I stated there is a huge possibility XRP could go higher, but can also drop big time anytime, since it's really volatile.
And what happened was, whatever amount of XRP i had, I withdraw them all leaving not even a single cent and in just few hours it went high. If I waited enough for it's value to increase first before withdrawing, I could have profited 20$ more from the original amount I already had that time. This was the 1st mistake I did months ago. The second one was when I had good amount of balance to withdraw and I decided to exchange it all to XRP. Withdrawn it all going to my external wallet and waitied for my actual balance to higher. But because XRP price kept dropping each day, I finally decided to have it withdrawn after it increases back 3-5% not knowing it would again go high up. Higher than the value it had around December. Now I'm super duper regretful. For both BTC and XRP. hahaha! I wish I could have been wiser when it comes to making transactions using these 2 currencies.

Imagine how these currencies can really make a huge impact in one's life specially to those people living in a poor country. It could really make one's life better if they are successful enough in stacking these two mentioned currencies, are patient and fateful enough and are really good in strategizing.

Well now, all I can say is I HOPE ITS NOT TOO LATE for me and everyone else. 😂
I Hope we all can still earn super huge through these cryptocurrencies. Wishing everyone Goodluck always. ❤️

CLick the link if you want to read the article,
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