Obsession and addiction


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Obsession and Addiction, what is the difference?

We might think obsession and addiction is the same because they really look the same but actually they have difference.
According to one site I checked, it is stated that, "Just because someone is obsessed with something doesn’t necessarily mean they’re addicted to it, and vice versa. Someone may even believe that their behavior is purely obsessive, when it’s actually addictive".

Obsession, according to what I have read, is the urge to do something which leads to certain behaviors and people who have obsessions feel like if they don't follow their routine, they will face certain consequences. While addiction is the process of someone becoming dependent on a substance or behavior. People with addiction will never really feel satisfied unless they give in to their weakness.
"Obsession is rooted in fear, while addiction focuses on desire."
For me, obsession and addiction are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings.

Obsession is a persistent and intrusive thought, idea, or impulse that is difficult to control or get rid of. It can be related to a particular person, activity, or object and can interfere with a person's ability to function in daily life. For example, a person may be obsessed with cleanliness and spend hours each day cleaning their home even when it is already spotless.

Addiction, on the other hand, is a compulsive behavior that involves a substance or activity that a person has become dependent on and has a difficult time controlling. It is characterized by a strong desire or need to engage in the behavior or use the substance, even if it has negative consequences. Addiction can involve substances such as drugs or alcohol, or activities such as gambling or gaming.

In summary, while both obsession and addiction involve persistent and difficult-to-control behavior, obsession is a persistent thought or impulse that interferes with daily life, while addiction is a compulsive behavior related to a substance or activity that a person has become dependent on and has a difficult time controlling.
You're right that there is a difference between obsession and addiction. While they can sometimes look similar, they are distinct concepts.

Obsession is typically characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts, urges, or impulses about a particular object or activity. These thoughts can be distressing or anxiety-provoking and can lead to compulsive behaviors aimed at relieving the anxiety or distress caused by the obsession. Someone with an obsession might feel like they have to engage in certain behaviors or follow certain routines to avoid negative consequences, even if these consequences are unlikely to occur.

Addiction, on the other hand, typically involves a physical or psychological dependence on a substance or behavior. Someone with an addiction may experience intense cravings or urges to engage in the addictive behavior or consume the addictive substance, and may continue to do so even if it is harmful to their health, relationships, or other aspects of their life.

One way to differentiate between obsession and addiction is to look at the underlying motivations. Obsession is often rooted in fear or anxiety, while addiction is often driven by a desire for pleasure or relief from negative emotions.

It's worth noting that both obsession and addiction can be harmful and may require professional help to overcome.
Thanks much for the contribution guys. So my question now is, is being a shopaholic an obsession or addiction? I want to know which category I fall because everyday I always visit this online shopping app, obsessed in looking for things that are on sale again and again, putting a lot of stuffs in my shopping cart and checking out things just so I can have them though I know somethings arent really necessary and a waste of money. And when I get dissatisfied with I bought I would tend to buy a new one. Hahahahaha! I really feel like I need to complete things inside my house, etc. Is this an addiction or obsession? 😂🤔
It's great that you are aware of your behavior and are questioning whether it falls under an obsession or addiction.

While the terms "obsession" and "addiction" are often used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings in psychology. An obsession refers to a persistent, intrusive, and unwanted thought or urge that causes distress or anxiety. On the other hand, addiction refers to a compulsive behavior that causes a person to continue a particular activity despite negative consequences.

Based on what you described, it seems like your behavior falls more under the category of addiction. You mentioned that you feel the need to complete things inside your house, and that you buy new things even when you're dissatisfied with what you already have. These are signs of compulsive behavior that can lead to negative consequences, such as financial problems and cluttered living spaces.

It may be helpful to reflect on why you feel the need to constantly buy things and complete things in your house. Is it a way to cope with stress or anxiety? Are you trying to fill a void or achieve a certain image? Understanding the underlying motivations behind your behavior can help you address it more effectively.

If you find that your behavior is causing significant distress or problems in your life, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional. They can help you develop strategies to manage your compulsions and improve your overall well-being.
It's great that you are aware of your behavior and are questioning whether it falls under an obsession or addiction.

While the terms "obsession" and "addiction" are often used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings in psychology. An obsession refers to a persistent, intrusive, and unwanted thought or urge that causes distress or anxiety. On the other hand, addiction refers to a compulsive behavior that causes a person to continue a particular activity despite negative consequences.

Based on what you described, it seems like your behavior falls more under the category of addiction. You mentioned that you feel the need to complete things inside your house, and that you buy new things even when you're dissatisfied with what you already have. These are signs of compulsive behavior that can lead to negative consequences, such as financial problems and cluttered living spaces.

It may be helpful to reflect on why you feel the need to constantly buy things and complete things in your house. Is it a way to cope with stress or anxiety? Are you trying to fill a void or achieve a certain image? Understanding the underlying motivations behind your behavior can help you address it more effectively.

If you find that your behavior is causing significant distress or problems in your life, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional. They can help you develop strategies to manage your compulsions and improve your overall well-being.
Haha thanks for the advice man this helps. I think I badly need some professional to help me out before it gets too late and I end up empty handed forever 😅