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We are happy to announce 1st challenge from the SUPER 10 CHALLENGES SESSION
What do you know about Santa's reindeer? Let's us tell you something about them.
Meet Santa’s reindeer
Dasher gets his name because he is the fastest reindeer of the whole pack. He used to be lead reindeer but was replaced by Rudolph because he kept going too quickly and the rest of the group couldn’t keep up! He first caught Santa’s eye as a young calf when he challenged all of the older reindeer to a race and comfortably beat them all. Every day since, he has not stopped trying to race the other reindeer which really gets on their nerves because they all know he’s going to win! Because of his natural speed, Dasher can get a bit complacent and often doesn’t turn up to sleigh riding training so Santa sometimes has to tell him off!
The reindeer with the most flair and elegance, ever since Dancer could walk, all he wanted to do was dance. Constantly putting on performances for the other reindeer, Dancer was even offered a contract to perform on Broadway but his ultimate dream was to work for Santa and help deliver presents on Christmas Eve. Along with his twin brother Prancer, he studied hard at the Reindeer Aviation Academy in Lapland in order to graduate with his Christmas Wings and achieve his ambition.
Just like his twin brother, Prancer is a supremely graceful and majestic reindeer, except he is all too aware of it. Every Christmas Eve, Santa Claus has to drag him away from preening himself in the mirror and polishing his horns to go and deliver the presents on time. Prancer and Dancer are tied next to each other in the pack so that Dancer can keep an eye on his easily distracted twin brother.
Voted as Reindeer Monthly’s most beautiful reindeer of all time, Vixen always attracts a lot of attention from male reindeer. Cupid in particular is totally besotted with her prettiness and elegant flying style. It is no secret that Vixen enjoys this interest however, as she is known as a notorious flirt and will flutter her long eyelashes at anyone to get her way.
Comet is the strongest of all the reindeer and is known for being a stubborn but loyal member of the team. He was named after an enormous comet which flew through the skies at the same moment he was born, which would foretell Comet’s future as a famous flying reindeer.
Cupid is the most romantic and passionate of all the reindeer. Born on Valentine’s Day, Cupid has taken it upon himself to act as match-maker amongst the Lapland reindeer, but unfortunately has not been as successful with his own love life as he has with the others, like celebrity couple Rudolph and Zoey. Madly in love with Vixen, he is constantly trying to impress her, although Santa had to separate the two of them since Cupid kept flying into obstacles as he was unable to take his eyes off her.
Sometimes known as Donner, Donder’s name means “thunder” and she is not a reindeer to be messed with! Married to Blitzen, they are the mum and dad of the reindeer group and have to discipline the younger ones if they step out of line. Donder looks after the others from making sure their hooves are clean, to cooking hearty meals before their long journeys distributing presents.
Husband to Donner, Blitzen is the bravest member of the team, never one to back down or give up in the face of adversity. He encourages the rest of the team even through the toughest storms to make sure that they successfully deliver their presents in time for Christmas morning. His name means “lightning”, some people say because he has been struck so many times, and together with Donder they make a formidable couple that are the backbone of this magnificent bunch.
Rudolph is the youngest and most famous of all the reindeer, universally celebrated for his heroics in the storm of 1939. How he was born with his legendary bright red nose, no-one knows but children all over the world are very glad he was as he has led the team through many wintery nights as a shining beacon. At first, Dasher was not very happy to have been replaced as lead reindeer but after seeing how well Rudolph could guide the sleigh through even the thickest fog, he was quickly won over and only too happy to act as second in command.
Let's collect the letters from reindeer names within the bets
The following words are our goal of this week
Dasher - 5 points
Dancer - 5 points
Prancer - 10 points
Vixen - 3 points
Comet - 3 points
Cupid - 3 points
Donder - 5 points
Blitzen - 10 points

Minimum multiplication is 40x
- Bets must have been placed after the start of this event (old bets do not count)
- 1 valid entry per person
- Multiple accounts are not allowed
- You need to get 5 or more forum posts within the past 2 months
- Bets must be submitted on the SAME date when the bet is made,NO holding / hiding bets is allowed
- link your Bet IDs using our bet link function in the text editor. Paste your bet id, then highlight and click on the link bet button, as shown in image below
Minimum bet
Prizes (for the top 10):
- 1st place: 0.00250 btc
- 2nd place: 0.00200 btc
- 3rd place: 0.00150 btc
- 4th place: 0.00100 btc
- 5th place: 0.00075 btc
- 6-10th place: 0.00045 btc
The topic will be closed on Saturday, January 2, at 11:30 GMT - Good luck to everyone!