The Real challenge in Forum challenges.


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For the past 2 weeks I have noticed that the weekly forum challenges are getting easier as the payouts required are smaller than the previous ones, which is good as a lot of players are now participating. But here's the downside the I noticed, the challenges requires a lot of post and editing which results to the forum getting laggy. At first, I thought it was just my net so I trieed to troubleshoot even my phone. After checking other websites and other forum contents all looks fine but still laggy on the forum challenge. Not all players have computers or laptops and only rely on their mobile phones for playing. So if this will always be the case every challenge, might as well back out coz it's time consuming and requires a lot of effort for a small amount of prize. Maybe think of another challenges which doesn't require too much editing/posting to avoid this lags and so more players will also participate.

This is not a rant, I am not a basher, this is just my own opinion and observation. We all want Windice to get better.

Good luck windicers! "We can and we will win huge. "
Yah so true, I backed out to this week challenge because there are so many entries. Supeerr lag and unlimited bets are making it more lag. Everyone wants to win the first place. Haha. I always saw everyday that there are averaging to 90- 177 online people. Imagine if all want to win and join. Gosh. Haha. Or it could be the other way around, 👀😉. If there are only top 10 who will win, it makes it more unappealing to join.
For the past 2 weeks I have noticed that the weekly forum challenges are getting easier as the payouts required are smaller than the previous ones, which is good as a lot of players are now participating. But here's the downside the I noticed, the challenges requires a lot of post and editing which results to the forum getting laggy. At first, I thought it was just my net so I trieed to troubleshoot even my phone. After checking other websites and other forum contents all looks fine but still laggy on the forum challenge. Not all players have computers or laptops and only rely on their mobile phones for playing. So if this will always be the case every challenge, might as well back out coz it's time consuming and requires a lot of effort for a small amount of prize. Maybe think of another challenges which doesn't require too much editing/posting to avoid this lags and so more players will also participate.

This is not a rant, I am not a basher, this is just my own opinion and observation. We all want Windice to get better.

Good luck windicers! "We can and we will win huge. "
Yah so true, I backed out to this week challenge because there are so many entries. Supeerr lag and unlimited bets are making it more lag. Everyone wants to win the first place. Haha. I always saw everyday that there are averaging to 90- 177 online people. Imagine if all want to win and join. Gosh. Haha. Or it could be the other way around, 👀😉. If there are only top 10 who will win, it makes it more unappealing to join.
I totally agree to what you both said. Hard to admit but yeah it's time consuming and kinda irritating like what happened to me last week. I need to scroll down to the very bottom just so I can finally post my first entry. And editing makes it even harder cuz I keep on hitting the wrong button all the time. Also taking long time to refresh. Well this isn't the first time this has happened. Forum have been laggy too a long time ago, back when the challenges made required many hits and a lot participated. But I feel what I experienced last week was the worst. Very laggy that I even felt like throwing my phone away. Lol. I even thought it was my net having issues but I realized, nope it's the forum cuz a lot are also posting their entries many times in a day and the platform is having a hard time loading all those information in a certain thread cuz of too much volume.
Dear players, please have a look in the threads now - all bets are hidden now and it is more easy to load the pages.
Oh nice.. yeah seen it. The thread loads faster now.. Thanks for the update and stuffs 👌🏻👌🏻♥️