Windice my home


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Disclaimer: this is not a rant

First of all, I would like to say that windice is my first online casino experience. This is where I learned many things about online gambling, gained new friends, a passtime when I'm bored and a lot more. What I like about windice is the interface, graphics are nice and it's user friendly, easy to navigate. Moderators are approachable, most users are nice and friendly, profit is good (well before). But what happened now? To what I have observed, big payouts are so rare nowadays, even harder to reach even just the minimum payout. I understand that there is fairness where you can check the provably of the game, but I don't know coz it's not like this before. Or I'm just too unlucky just like other users who whines all the time in chatroom for always busting. I also observed that many players that I used to see in hr or chatroom are seldom can be seen or slowly disappearing as well as the moderators that's why chatrooms are like ghost town or a complete mess full of violators spreading negativity. Is this the new normal? Lol. I just wonder in the next months what will happen. Hopefully the place I call home will still the same home as before...
Disclaimer: this is not a rant

First of all, I would like to say that windice is my first online casino experience. This is where I learned many things about online gambling, gained new friends, a passtime when I'm bored and a lot more. What I like about windice is the interface, graphics are nice and it's user friendly, easy to navigate. Moderators are approachable, most users are nice and friendly, profit is good (well before). But what happened now? To what I have observed, big payouts are so rare nowadays, even harder to reach even just the minimum payout. I understand that there is fairness where you can check the provably of the game, but I don't know coz it's not like this before. Or I'm just too unlucky just like other users who whines all the time in chatroom for always busting. I also observed that many players that I used to see in hr or chatroom are seldom can be seen or slowly disappearing as well as the moderators that's why chatrooms are like ghost town or a complete mess full of violators spreading negativity. Is this the new normal? Lol. I just wonder in the next months what will happen. Hopefully the place I call home will still the same home as before...

Gutom lang yan...
Hahahaha!! Charowt..
Happy lunch sis.. 🤗

I can trully feel you on this one sis..
And we really are sis.. hahaha!!
This site is where I first experienced everything too about casino.. from playing, to chatting, become a crazy noisy chatter, depositing all my funds, learn to fight my fears with the competitions, doing all-in and risking big. And this is also the casino where I had my first big busts. Hahahaha!! And, up til now, this is the only site where I talk much and depo almost all my funds just to lose everything even though I am already loving other online casinos. Lol. Like you, this casino used to be my original and ever loved home. Months ago, I even got very sad of having the feeling of losing everyone i knew here. I felt I wont bare the sadness. Even the feeling of not being able to visit this site anymore cuz that time I believe I made a deep pact with the site and the people surrounding it and it will be hard for me to letgo. But now, that sad feeling is gone. I don't know why
Maybe because, I am slowly getting used to not visit the site and talk to everyone am close with that much anymore. And maybe because, I am feeling that the fun and excitement we used to have before whenever we meet everyone in English chatroom is already fading. Everything seemed to be changing
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Disclaimer: this is not a rant

First of all, I would like to say that windice is my first online casino experience. This is where I learned many things about online gambling, gained new friends, a passtime when I'm bored and a lot more. What I like about windice is the interface, graphics are nice and it's user friendly, easy to navigate. Moderators are approachable, most users are nice and friendly, profit is good (well before). But what happened now? To what I have observed, big payouts are so rare nowadays, even harder to reach even just the minimum payout. I understand that there is fairness where you can check the provably of the game, but I don't know coz it's not like this before. Or I'm just too unlucky just like other users who whines all the time in chatroom for always busting. I also observed that many players that I used to see in hr or chatroom are seldom can be seen or slowly disappearing as well as the moderators that's why chatrooms are like ghost town or a complete mess full of violators spreading negativity. Is this the new normal? Lol. I just wonder in the next months what will happen. Hopefully the place I call home will still the same home as before...

And as for the betting.,, Well like you am also having the same feeling. I am having doubts already. Cuz before, evrytime I lose big, I can get back again on same day. I can even win big like many times in a week or two. Months ago, even if I play like almost 24 hours a day, reds wont show much in 80-98%. I can even risk bigger amounts of bets on 80% in crash months ago cuz I am confident that after few reds, there will always be long streak of greens. But now everything seems different. After may or june, reds keep showing up many times already even if you bet around 90-98%.. It's already getting too risky to bet big on those ranges. And if before, I only need few amounts of coins and I can already get the multipliers am hunting, now I need to have very huge funds just to make sure I'll be successful with the hunt. But I don't know. Maybe like you, am just paranoid. Maybe I am just really unlucky at times cuz am not being careful enough. And I love doing rage betting. But yeah, like you am confused and feeling things are getting strange..


These are just our opinion. And what we feel. We aint ranting so peace ya'll. :)

Besides everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.. hahahaha!! ✌🤭
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And as for the betting.,, Well like you am also having the same feeling. I am having doubts already. Cuz before, evrytime I lose big, I can get back again on same day. I can even win big like many times in a week or two. Months ago, even if I play like almost 24 hours a day, reds wont show much in 80-98%. I can even risk bigger amounts of bets on 80% in crash months ago cuz I am confident that after few reds, there will always be long streak of greens. But now everything seems different. After may or june, reds keep showing up many times already even if you bet around 90-98%.. It's already getting too risky to bet big on those ranges. And if before, I only need few amounts of coins and I can already get the multipliers am hunting, now I need to have very huge funds just to make sure I'll be successful with the hunt. But I don't know. Maybe like you, am just paranoid. Maybe I am just really unlucky at times cuz am not being careful enough. And I love doing rage betting. But yeah, like you am confused and feeling things are getting strange..


These are just our opinion. And what we feel. We aint runting so peace ya'll. :)

Besides everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.. hahahaha!! ✌🤭
I agree. I can feel doubts unlike before. I spend many hours just playing here in windice before but now it's different. I don't get the feeling of excitement like before. But still hard to let go of your first love and we'll keep coming back :)
I agree. I can feel doubts unlike before. I spend many hours just playing here in windice before but now it's different. I don't get the feeling of excitement like before. But still hard to let go of your first love and we'll keep coming back :)
Oh.. of course that's for sure. :) No matter how many times we get broken we will be coming back here. Hahaha!

Visit, waive a lil, play a lil then leave. Wahahaha!