Closed XXV Joker's Trivia Tournament

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º Joker's Trivia Tournament º


º To compete and receive prizes, Winners/Competitors must click LIKE (y) on this POST!
º You must have an avatar on your profile windice.
º Anyone can participate, just get an answer right on one of my trivia questions, and your name will automatically be on the list.
º No registration required.
º You do not have to pay.
º Just stay tuned, I can be in the chat at any time.
º Only trivia made by me will be valid for the tournament.

° Trivias took place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

° The 2 best of each day will be selected.

° The 6 selected will go to a final on Saturday! where in the end, the final position of the rank will be decided.

º Normal Trivia: 1 point (example: 1,11,21,31,41,51 ... ) (00,10,20,30,40,50 ... ) "or similar"
º Special Trivia: 3 points (examples: "All Answers with 1 space" "What were the 1st, 2nd and 4th answers?") [These are the Answers to the 7 trivia round.]

Quick Explanation: There are 8 Trivias in total, 7 of which are normal, and 1 is special.
Why special? To get the Special Trivia right, you need to write down the answers to 7 Normal Trivia that happened previously.
And... Rounds a Lot !!!

Trivias are at in Room: ENGLISH chat.
19:00/19:30 UTC -03:00
You can write down the answers on paper, or on another phone (if you have 2) or even try to memorize the answers in your head.
I know that for those who use a phone, it's a little more difficult... but I guarantee it's not impossible.

THE TOURNAMENT STARTS ON (Wednesday, July 03) AND CLOSES ON (Monday, July 08) *Finalists will be notified of the day and time of the final event.*

The Prize for the Winners will be:

🏆1st = 6 USDT + 2000 Wincoin
🏆2nd = 5 USDT + 2000 Wincoin
🏆3rd = 4 USDT + 1500 Wincoin
🏆4th = 3 USDT + 1000 Wincoin
🏆5th = 2 USDT + 1000 Wincoin
🏆6th = 1 USDT + 500 Wincoin

🤡Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha🤡

1st Day:
2nd Day:
3rd Day:


1st: @salamm

2nd: @Jetalal
3rd: @Actionaer
4th: @Boniato
5th: @mirchaka777
6th: @NatoshiSakamoto

*scores updated July 08, 20:48 UTC -03:00 2024*
Last edited:
View attachment 10198

º Joker's Trivia Tournament º


º To compete and receive prizes, Winners/Competitors must click LIKE (y) on this POST!
º You must have an avatar on your profile windice.
º Anyone can participate, just get an answer right on one of my trivia questions, and your name will automatically be on the list.
º No registration required.
º You do not have to pay.
º Just stay tuned, I can be in the chat at any time.
º Only trivia made by me will be valid for the tournament.

° Trivias took place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

° The 2 best of each day will be selected.

° The 6 selected will go to a final on Saturday! where in the end, the final position of the rank will be decided.

º Normal Trivia: 1 point (example: 1,11,21,31,41,51 ... ) (00,10,20,30,40,50 ... ) "or similar"
º Special Trivia: 3 points (examples: "All Answers with 1 space" "What were the 1st, 2nd and 4th answers?") [These are the Answers to the 7 trivia round.]

Quick Explanation: There are 8 Trivias in total, 7 of which are normal, and 1 is special.
Why special? To get the Special Trivia right, you need to write down the answers to 7 Normal Trivia that happened previously.
And... Rounds a Lot !!!

Trivias are at in Room: ENGLISH chat.
19:00/19:30 UTC -03:00
You can write down the answers on paper, or on another phone (if you have 2) or even try to memorize the answers in your head.
I know that for those who use a phone, it's a little more difficult... but I guarantee it's not impossible.

THE TOURNAMENT STARTS ON (Wednesday, July 03) AND CLOSES ON (Sunday, July 07) *Finalists will be notified of the day and time of the final event.*

The Prize for the Winners will be:

🏆1st = 6 USDT + 2000 Wincoin
🏆2nd = 5 USDT + 2000 Wincoin
🏆3rd = 4 USDT + 1500 Wincoin
🏆4th = 3 USDT + 1000 Wincoin
🏆5th = 2 USDT + 1000 Wincoin
🏆6th = 1 USDT + 500 Wincoin

🤡Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha🤡

1st Day:

2nd Day

3rd Day

*scores updated July 02, 20:53 UTC -03:00 2024*
gl all , filmer
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