Story: Me and my Heart!


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Me and my Heart!

"Where are you hidden? Do you here me? Do you here this sound of 'tik-tik-til' that is the clock moving fast, faster than I can imagine!" I spoke absurdly to the shadow reflected and lied on the broken floor of my dreams!
"I hear it!" Spoke someone inside me!
"Who's there, where are you? Come in front!" Anguished of the sound, I turned from right to left and vice versa to a successful round of 30 pairs!
"Look no more outward, I lay in yourself! I'm not that shadow, nor the wind outside, knocking your door! I'm the beat of your heart, listen carefully the wounds I have received! Don't you dare to turn them to happiness? Don't you? I question don't you?" The sound narrated in a rough and injured voice!
"I dare to, I.. I dare!" I like a powerless dog melted in terror!
"Do you know something?" It seemed seeking my approval in order to share something with me.
"Huh! I don't untill you say."
"Life is hard!"
"It is!"
"No, who says that?"
"Don't you see thousands of dried fingers which for Years haven't raised are raising to you? I am consuming all that blame for which you are not responsible, you are struggling and doing your best, still are into a direction to make feel low, down and irresponsible! Wait, why do you still smile, after all these emotional irony thrown onto you face?" It lectured and then felt guilty of its words!
"That is life to live! I need to listen what people say and digest some words and kick of others! I'm living my own life,not theirs to respond them of their useless words! The bark, like those dogs untill given a bone, and everything will be alright when they find the bone of my success!" I stopped the heart to not question those wounds caused by people! And move on!

Everyone appears with a specific hope binding it at the tale of life somebody else is living and disturb the harmony with their useless words! Let them speak and let me smile at their accuses! That is the best slap that won't sound but shut their mouth :)