Spread love not hate 😊♥️


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First, good day everyone and happy November. 😊 This month is trully awesome cuz a lot of occasions are going to be celebrated again though, some places are still on lock down and some, have started the lock down once again. I wish you all good health and happiness everyday. Best of luck in everything you do and please do take a lot of care for me. 😊🙏

So, I made this post not just for the sake of me having another thread to help in boosting my score for monthly poster contest but, for this to serve as a reminder for every member about the every action we do, not just inside the Windice chat room but here in forum as well. And I am not being authoritative but simply, a concerned member of this community.

This all started from a comment I saw recently from one thread here in where a commenter posted his winnings and said a degrading one to the thread owner. That is very sad to see and I am deeply hurt for what the author of the thread received just because of sharing her insights about why some to most players actually fail when playing/gambling.

Ladies and gents, please if we do not have any good thing to say, let's just be quiet. Let us learn to respect everyone even those who we do not really like. If there is someone you hate, go hate him/her just not make it too obvious for others to see specially in public. If you think that person is a loser and you strongly believe you are a winner then ok. But do not show everyone how judgemental you are specially if you do not really know the person you are judging with. If you have not seen everything yet about that person then stay quiet and stay humble. And remember, not because you keep winning on one thing and others keep losing, it already means they really are a loser. Each one of us have our own talent, skills, strengths and capabilities. And each one of us have our own weakness too. There are moments where we get to achieve something and for sure there are moments where we fail as well. So again, do not be too judgemental. Let us learn to control what we say. Do not be too harsh, tactless, careless and insensitive. We all came here to play and make friends, not to have enemies and gain hatred. Let us learn to show kindness even to those who are lower than us. We all are born equal so treat everyone equally too. Remember the saying, RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT.

Follow the rules this platform have.
- Be polite and nice to others. Do not provoke.
- Treat people with respect even if you do not agree with their point of view.
- No hateful conversation is allowed.


I hope you guys get what I am trying to say. It is actually not that easy for us to always try contributing something here in forum for everyone to read and interact with, and will just get hateful feedbacks in return. So please, give us a break. Lol kidding. Give respect to the author. If there is something you disagree or what, you can give constructive criticism. You can give your thoughts in a gentle manner. Do not be rude. Let us try to be professional in every way. Be humble and be gentle. Besides, we all here are a family.

That's it guys. 😊

"always spread love not hate." 😊♥️

Advance Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 🤣🤣🎉🎉
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