Integrity:A seed for achievement


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Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Integrity according to Wikipedia, "Is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values."

Integrity can also be regarded as the honesty, trustworthiness and accuracy of one's actions. Integrity is an act of behaving honorably, even when no one is watching. As a person with integrity, you follow moral and ethical principles in all aspects of life.

Integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptible to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge. Integrity is having strong moral principles that you refuse to change because of any material gain. Integrity is aligning your thought with what you know to be excellent.

While integrity is more of quality than a skill, it can still be developed over time. One of the ways to develop integrity is to surround yourself with people of integrity. Choosing the right people or company, make it easier for you to keep or develop integrity.

Limit the time you spend with people who lack integrity. Spend more time with people who have integrity. With this, you get to develop the habit and quality of integrity.

A person of integrity shows or expresses gratitude when others provide assistance or help to them. This is a trait for integrity people. They always make sure they say "thank you" to anyone who does them a favour.

People of integrity value others by showing them respect. They have regard for everything and everyone. They observe a custom, practice, a rule or right.

Integrity requires honesty. Those with integrity are honest and they strive to be truthful. They own up to their mistakes and try to learn from them. They follow through on their commitments.

Another quality of integrity people is that they take full responsibility and accountability of their actions and words. They make sure they deliver on their responsibility by being organized and proactive.

You may be wondering how integrity affects your personal development and growth.

Do you remember that one of the ways to skyrocket your personal development journey is to network or connect with people?

Connecting with people who are more knowledgeable and experienced than you are, people in the same level of experience with you, and people whom you are more knowledgeable and experienced than.

This is it, no one wants to associate with people who lack integrity. No one will like to have a role model or mentor who lacks integrity. No one wants to mentor one who lacks integrity too. No one wants to make friends with people who lack integrity.

In order to have a good relationship with people which helps your personal growth, you have to develop the habit of integrity.

Integrity can also make you not to give up on yourself and your efforts when it seems like your daily actions are not yielding any result. This is because, integrity births patience. A person with integrity is able to tolerate challenges, delays, and unexpected obstacles.

Build integrity. Let every of your actions, words and your values be aligned.

Integrity is a seed for achievement. It is a principle that never fails.
