Bug Bounty


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Two months ago, I posted something in the forum called (my POV). I removed the second part of that post because it was about a bug related to the faucet section. It allowed unlimited use of the crypto faucet, but that issue has now been fixed.

After I made that post, one of the admins kindly told me to delete that part and instead report it to support so I could receive a bug bounty if the bug was confirmed. I had never heard the term "bug bounty" before.

Basically, you need to find a flaw or bug on the site. If the dev team confirms it, you will receive a reward as a bug bounty.

What is Bug Bounty?
Basically if you find a bug or an error in windice,you can report it. If the team confirm it you can get the Bug Bounty which has a huugggeee reward.

So, what should you do if you find a bug?
It's simple. You can inform support or admin veleten. I recommend telling veleten . To confirm and explain the bug, you should send a screenshot or video along with a description to the admin. After that, veleten will notify the development team. It may take a few days for confirmation.​


You need to wait a few days to hear back after seeing this message.
I actually didn't want to go through the bug bounty process at all. Two months ago, when I won the top posters prize, I lost it right away and felt really upset about my bad luck and greed. Then I remembered that there was something called bug bounty. Since I didn't know anything about it, I thought the prize would be between 10 to 20 USD. I told myself that even that amount was too much for me. Then I received a message from mod veleten


I visited the site and felt really confused. It's strange, but at first, I thought it was a visual mistake and that the amounts of Wincoin and Tether had switched. You can guess the rest.



I was so excited at that moment that my hands were shaking for a few minutes. 😐😂😂
A few days later, I lost most of it because i'm a stupid greedy person. 💀🤦‍♂️

Here are some points about bug bounty:
  • The decision depends on the severity of the bug.
  • it has to be replicable.
  • The amount of bug bounty depends on the severity of the bug.

I was really lucky to find such a bug so suddenly. If you find a bug on the site that you think needs fixing, let windice team know so you might also receive a bug bounty.

I truly thank the Windice team from the bottom of my heart. They care about their users and improving the site, and they have given us this opportunity.

Hope it's useful for you guys : )
Omg such a huge reward. Windice really is generous. I bet if this in another platform bug bounty reward is not that huge. Super lucky of you well done my friend.
I bet if this in another platform bug bounty reward is not that huge. Super lucky of you well done my friend.
Not really. As salamm already mentioned in his post, the bug bounty reward actually depend on the bug itself. if that is something serious, the reporter is likely to get a big amount as a bounty. I have participated in bug bounty before and I got bug bounty before from another casino. You would be surprised that Bitcointalk still offers bug bounty up to 100K USD if anyone can find serious bug on the website. I believe almost maximum casinos offer bug bounty. But for salamm, it was his first time.