Abandon , Short Story


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Hello my dear friends. best of luck and wishes
I remember my mom once was telling me how she loved her grandmother... she always felt great with her . but she has passed away for a long time before i was even born. and my mom was so sad and sorry about it.

How Losing Someone Feels :
Death is a heavy word, even if it seems light. It is not easy at all. Death means saying goodbye to loved ones. It means leaving behind all the joys and pleasures of life. The word death makes everything seem ugly and harsh. From wearing black clothes to the cold earth that can never cool the pain in our hearts. Death is not the end; it is the beginning of memories and keepsakes. My dear grandmother has been gone for many years. People say time heals, but they are wrong. Since you left, the sadness in my heart has stayed the same as it was on the first day. I know you can see me every day and are with me. I miss you, and home feels dark without you. May the souls of all our loved ones rest in peace and find their place in heaven.

sorry if it's a little dark or sad . it's not how it feels right now . I just wanted to add more drama to the situation. my mom is ok and of course time can heal this pain . she always make smile when she thinks about her grandma.

I was always thinking about my worst fear, which is death. not my own death that worries me, but the thought of losing my loved ones. It feels really scary. However, when I think about this fear, it actually reminds me to enjoy my time with them more instead of being afraid of losing them.
my mom always tells me this : live in a way that after their passing, you will always remember the beautiful and cherished memories.

and Persian translate to my lovely Persian friends : )

مرگ سه حرفه
اما برخلاف وزنش بسیار بسیار کلمه سنگینیه
مرگ اصلا آسون نیست
مرگ‌ یعنی دل کندن‌از عزیزان
مرگ یعنی خداحافظی با همه خوشی ها و لذت های دنیاست.
به قدری کلمه مرگ‌ سخته که همه چیز‌ را زشت و‌کریح میکنه
از لباس سیاه به تن بگیر تا خاک سردی که هیچوقت نمیتونه داغ دل‌را خنک کند
مرگ پایان ماجرا نیست,
شروع به جا گذاشتن خاطرات و یادگاری هاست,
مادربزرگ عزیزم سالهاست که از‌میان ما رفته ای,
مردم میگن که زمان راه چاره هست اما اشتباه میکنند
زیرا از وقتی رفتی غمت همانجور مانند روز اول در دلم مانده است
میدانم که هر روز میتوانی مرا ببینی و کنارمی
دلم‌برایت تنگ شده و‌خانه بدون تو روشنی ندارد
روح تمام عزیزان به خاک سپرده شاد و جایشان در بهشت باشد​

thank you guys for reading . see you on next month : )