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  1. Anniegio

    Giveaway 🧑‍🍳🌍Windice food Atlas contest🧑‍🍳🌍

    WINDICE ATLAS FOOD EDITION We are a casino with a huge community from around the world, so we will make a Windice Atlas with the best of our countries! Will you make money from that? Of course you will! In this edition, the steps to participate will be very simple, but you will have to give...
  2. Anniegio

    Hot TIK TAK TOUR #4

    *This post is in english and spanish*Este post está en inglés y español TIK TAK TOUR #3 sunday 09/15- 5pm utc Tik Tak Wiii Tournament Game rules >>>>>CLICK HERE TO READ HOW TO PLAY TIK TAK WIII<<<<<< ✨ PRIZES:✨ 🥇1° 12USDT 🥈2° 8USDT 🥉3°AND 4° 5USDT EACH ONE HOW TO PLAY THE TIK TAK TOUR? 1) The...
  3. Anniegio


    ✨WINFLUENCERS CHALLENGE✨ Share & Win $30 USDT! (3 Winners $10 each!) Do you love Windice and its amazing community? From weekly crypto challenges to live trivias and chat rains, there's always something fun happening! Want to share the love and earn some extra crypto? Then join the Windice...
  4. Anniegio


    Make sure you read all the rules! Windice Treasure Hunt Get your ship, crew, and parrot ready, because playing pirates will give you the chance to win an incredible prize of $50usdt! We will have a week-long treasure hunt full of clues and riddles that will lead you to discover the final code...
  5. Anniegio

    Hot TIK TAK TOUR #3

    *This post is in english and spanish*Este post está en inglés y español TIK TAK TOUR #3 sunday 08/25- 5pm utc Tik Tak Wiii Tournament Game rules >>>>>CLICK HERE TO READ HOW TO PLAY TIK TAK WIII<<<<<< ✨ PRIZES:✨ 🥇1° 12USDT 🥈2° 8USDT 🥉3°AND 4° 5USDT EACH ONE HOW TO PLAY THE TIK TAK TOUR? 1) The...
  6. Anniegio

    Giveaway Windice TREASURE HUNT #3

    Make sure you read all the rules! Crack the Code, Win the Gold! Windice Treasure Hunt Get your ship, crew, and parrot ready, because playing pirates will give you the chance to win an incredible prize of $50usdt! We will have a week-long treasure hunt full of clues and riddles that will lead...
  7. Anniegio

    Pesimismo volátil por la mañana

    Eso dijo Bukowski, y no pude evitar preguntarme: si el sintió lo mismo que yo, entonces será que todos nos sentimos así alguna vez? Te despertás por la mañana, abris los ojos y no hay nada parecido a la gratitud. Es que sabés que mientras dormís, tus deudas, el lavarropas que se rompió, la...
  8. Anniegio

    Volatile pessimism in the morning...

    That's what Bukowski said, and I couldn't help but wonder: if he felt the same way I do, then does everyone feel like this at some point? You wake up in the morning, open your eyes, and there's nothing like gratitude. It's because you know that while you were sleeping, your debts, the broken...
  9. Anniegio

    New *TIK TAK TOUR #2*

    *This post is in english and spanish*Este post está en inglés y español TIK TAK TOUR Tik Tak Wiii Tournament Game rules >>>>>CLICK HERE TO READ HOW TO PLAY TIK TAK WIII<<<<<< ✨ PRIZES:✨ 🥇1° 12USDT 🥈2° 8USDT 🥉3°AND 4° 5USDT EACH ONE HOW TO PLAY THE TIK TAK TOUR? 1) The first 32 players who sign...
  10. Anniegio

    ✨Tik Tak Tour(nament) Hall of Fame!✨

    TIK TAK TOUR HALL OF FAME 🇬🇧The Windice Tik Tak Tour is not only a blast with incredible prizes, but it also offers an exclusive bonus for all Tik Tak Wii champions! Join the Hall of Fame and enter the 5000 Wincoins raffle on the last day of the month everytime you win a TikTakTour! The more...
  11. Anniegio

    Busqueda del tesoro de Windice

    ¡Asegúrate de leer todas las reglas! ¡Descifra el código, gana el oro! Búsqueda del tesoro de Windice ¡Prepara tu barco, tripulación y loro, porque jugar a piratas te dará la oportunidad de ganar un increíble premio de $50usdt! Tendremos una búsqueda del tesoro de una semana llena de pistas y...
  12. Anniegio


    Make sure you read all the rules! Crack the Code, Win the Gold! Windice Treasure Hunt Get your ship, crew, and parrot ready, because playing pirates will give you the chance to win an incredible prize of $50usdt! We will have a week-long treasure hunt full of clues and riddles that will lead...
  13. Anniegio

    New *TIK TAK TOUR #1*

    *This post is in english and spanish*Este post está en inglés y español TIK TAK TOUR Tik Tak Wiii Tournament Game rules >>>>>Read the dynamics of the game in this post: CLICK HERE TO READ HOW TO PLAY TIK TAK WIII<<<<<< ✨ PRIZES:✨ 🥇1°12USDT 🥈2°8USDT 🥉3°AND 4°5USDT EACH ONE HOW TO PLAY THE TIK TAK...
  14. Anniegio

    Giveaway Búsqueda del tesoro de Windice

    Asegurate de leer todas las reglas Encuentra el código y gana el oro BÚSQUEDA DEL TESORO DE WINDICE CÓMO PARTICIPAR? 1. Sigue las pistas diarias: Cada día se revelará una nueva pista en diferentes plataformas y redes sociales de Windice Casino. 2. Anota cada letra o número diariamente para...
  15. Anniegio


    Make sure you read all the rules! Crack the Code, Win the Gold! Windice Treasure Hunt Get your ship, crew, and parrot ready, because playing pirates will give you the chance to win an incredible prize of $50usdt! We will have a week-long treasure hunt full of clues and riddles that will lead...
  16. Anniegio


    Tik Tak Wiii Game Rules Objective: The goal of the game is to be the first team or user to complete 3 matching symbols in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) on the Tik Tak Wii game board. Participants: The game can be played by 2 teams of 2 players each or 1 vs 1 player. Game...
  17. Anniegio


    Tik Tak Wiii Reglas del Juego Objetivo: El objetivo del juego es ser el primer equipo o jugador en completar 3 símbolos iguales en una línea (horizontal, vertical o diagonal) en el tablero de juego Tik Tak Wii Participantes: El juego puede ser jugado por 2 equipos de 2 jugadores cada uno o 1 vs...
  18. Anniegio

    5 reasons to choose Windice

    Join us here: Follow us on Instagram Follow us on X Our telegram Windice Radio Pecka Streams...
  19. Anniegio

    Closed ✨WINFLUENCERS CHALLENGE✨(eng and esp post)

    The following post is written in English and Spanish for the convenience of all users./ El siguiente post esta escrito en inglés y español para mayor comodidad de todos los usuarios. ✨WINFLUENCERS CHALLENGE//RETO DE WINFLUENCERS✨ Share & Win $20 USDT! (2 Winners $10 each!) // Comparte y gana...
  20. Anniegio

    New Aprovecha el programa de afiliados de Windice!

    EXPLOTA TU POTENCIAL Y AUMENTA TUS INGRESOS CON WINDICE En este post te voy a enseñar: Beneficios del programa de afiliados Secretos para tener éxito al reclutar personas Herramientas que pueden ayudarte a la hora de compartir tu enlace CÓMO FUNCIONA? 1. Invita a un amigo: Comparte tu enlace...