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  1. darki14

    New How to Chat Constructively: STOP asking 'How Are You?'

    for persian people. این مقاله می خواهد به خوانندگانش بفهماند که درست چت کردن در گروه ها به چه شکا است. اگر بخواهید همیشه با کلمات ساده ای مثل سلام یا حالت چطوره یا و کلیشه ای که هر روز استفاده می کنیم، چت کردن رو شروع کنیم بهجای خاصی نمیرسیم. بلکه باید به نحو بهتری مکالمه ها را جلو ببریم. مثلن...
  2. darki14

    New How to Chat Constructively: STOP asking 'How Are You?'

    wow. that was vey good lessons. i wish i read that before. but any way some times i make my effort to speak like what you told in this post, but sometimes i dont have profound topics to strat conversation. so just a go0d greeting is well. thank you for you advicec. i will do my best in future...
  3. darki14

    New Telegram channel WINDICE

    hi guys. i joined the telegram. there are many giveaways in there and so many fun challenges. some are hard and some easy. you can play with your chance and if you win you will get prizes. go on and keep it green. have goodluck.
  4. darki14


    دوستان برای تایید موزیک هم به شکل مثال زیر عمل کنید: @kryakrya done. یا @kryakrya confirmed
  5. darki14


    for persian people. i will help you to understand. if you have any question can ask me. باید اسم خواننده و نام آهنگی که می خواهید در رادیو پخش شود را به شکل مثالی که در پایی آورده ام، شما هم در چت روم انگلیسی وارد کنید و دی جی عزیز رو هم تگ کنید. بعدش باید در سایتی که اول فروم آماده است وارد...
  6. darki14


    this is my new favorite radio. he plays so many good songs. i love it. thank you our good dj. wish you goood things.
  7. darki14

    i am not what happened to me; i am what i choose to become. carl jung

    i am not what happened to me; i am what i choose to become. carl jung
  8. darki14

    im new

    hi guys. i was thinking of telling my story of windice to you friends. when i come to windice i dont have any hope to make some money of that. but after some days go on i understand that i can do better in windice. and i put my time on it and therefor twice i go to near the limit of payout but...