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  1. F

    Closed [Vote] Miss Windice!

    @mowmow @hanvee gudluck my dear
  2. F

    Closed [0.01BTC Ranked] Surprise Challenge: Be Humble Day

    #hxc055rb9obe #r24qskx3a18h #v3yzd8f38axm #2c8aypx1ee80 #icmeaxi9136h #tzo1wq4lj3un #sqn8oyy61e8a #l73mxto8969e #ncnfpvjsc9qd #q8v0bp1hapyt
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    Closed [0.02BTC Paired Team] Weekly Challenge: Auspicious 88 Rat Year!

    Yes sis, we'll try our luck gl to both of us
  4. F


    Hello sis gl to us
  5. F

    Closed [0.02BTC ranked] Weekly Challenge: World Popcorn Day

    #jj4ma0s07yce .2x #ffq0c1vsyjtk 2x #joszqa2z9jw6 4x #8fi1lorc0qpw 9x #gng44x1s2dsm 26x #qvdqndfcbtki 130x #pdsojdog0hod 1000x
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    Closed [0.02 BTC] Good or Evil

    Ill choose the evil side 666x #tzn49qcll8tv
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    Closed [0.02 BTC] Weekly Challenge: National Spaghetti Day!

    #f7itp19mdxop plinko #w37s2o4vbeus crash #65awuiv25icl dice
  8. F

    Closed Only 9 days left before the New Year!

    @helena214 @goodness10 @fairyaya @Fuzemine @FairyRam @izachko66 Congratulation Windicer!, For you have played this game and become a winner, Part of this game is a blessing, Your not always winning but atleast enjoying. You can chat and you can roll and also, You can recieve rain from our...
  9. F

    New update with trivia

    That was nice, good to know that this problem was already resloved. And the good thing is no more spamming to the other room wen someone giving a trivia to other room. 👍 For that admin, job well done. Tnxx
  10. F

    Closed [0.02 BTC] Weekly Challenge: National Play Outside Day!

    #ctzw62xfoaaj #lqw6ko8fnq2a #vhdf6nakzih0 #7lg5yyjbyium #7isu6lsae7dl #8y3y2tbt4835 #1n3462q1v4m0 #dfnhvpk8ahe0 #8n3nabwxn6li #5vg3vdnyilim #w9zxzk36dkas
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    Closed [0.02 BTC Ranked] Weekly Challenge: Singapore Flyer Ride!

    #4jsbb5n00lsb 68x #yqo0w5b5g5ki #uxuc6t1xqbyj #zboxd2bpils6 #7flrh27as2z4 #zgknlgk11y77 #jydlu42585zh #1vt5kz11qvii #ioliyhtw7vba
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    Closed [0.02 BTC] Weekly challenge: Speed Racer!

    #kc42btpuk3b0 20x #vo6w3ds9syxu 200x #t7enamqikg8n 2000x
  13. F

    Closed [0.01BTC] World Kindness Day!

    #xwqxawy1pb0s #vpq90itkory8 #6148klgqve9w #pdmy29l86uea #376tldswqa6c #v8ajfi1pnrvk #or7hofh29cm9 #h5nhhauhdgd9