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  1. hamato

    Closed Weekly Challenge: WINDICE GOLD RESERVE

    @kryakrya make challenge easy bro , that very hard
  2. hamato

    Closed Weekly Challenge: TETRIS Game

    #5ti9lc6w3vwl #sbwryl72epvy
  3. hamato

    Closed Weekly Challenge: TETRIS Game

    Really so hard to hit 1000x and 130x Consecutive in three bets , plz Explain in detail what is needed
  4. hamato

    Closed Weekly Challenge: TETRIS Game

    finished it and give us example , I think the task is impossible !
  5. hamato

    Closed Weekly Challenge: Happy June

    #kza970annvfq thx bro for that challenge
  6. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC]Weekly Challenge:Water A Flower Day

    Something fishy is happening Are moderators competing any hardest tasks? If it is a challenge between you, we do not want to interfere with you I hope your problems are resolved, and we will wait for the tasks of a new week
  7. hamato

    Closed [0.02 BTC Ranked]Weekly Challenge:Love A Tree Day

    (1) #3b8a5nkq35ki (2) #e11hxfq7yoad (3) #vx8opqb5x29s (4) #7td9m38bh5qc (5) #fuid2adagaeg (6) #33bvxqjfyp2y (7) #lbctros0kjvm (8) #myfvu0oc82eq (9) #6bai8onnuaug
  8. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC Ranked]Weekly Challenge: National Fitness Day

    #8ow56otv7rko #3ds7zdhtb83z #l2p3qy1nylkw
  9. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC]Weekly Challenge: Pig in a Blanket Day

    #l9dodm5y9tbl #fz72dq9ehi0b #ey0zej9viwaz
  10. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC] Weekly Challenge: International Jugglers Day

    x500 #5jxh7nvwwhl0 x1000 #wt0rklv71svj x1500 #uu6di647r0pu x2000 #wtqfl0i3a2yd x2500 #hiccauhrs8dg
  11. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC ranked] Happy Easter

    BET #4ijiip1k3g3r BET #q94be9i4g4rj
  12. hamato

    Closed [0.005BTC] Three day Challenge: Happy Holi

    BET #fm5wa6c6wteh
  13. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC] International Women's Day

    BET #6hpmb50phyl6 BET #sl8z0w4xux5s
  14. hamato

    Closed [Vote] Miss Windice!

    Marina , Furlicious
  15. hamato

    Closed [0.02BTC ] Happy Valentine Day!

    BET #0ykt927kxwic
  16. hamato

    Closed [0.02 BTC] Lunar New Year

    BET #w0c519tegw2g
  17. hamato

    Closed [0.02 BTC] Good or Evil

    BET #ffavnd7pbyoo