Search results

  1. natojp01

    Closed [0.01 BTC] Weekly challenge: Let's count!

    # vb1qib7ko5ob 00,01 # dm7b1e2akhea 00,02 # le8dnxaqdnju 00,03 # f1ljx7aeg2b7 00,04 # 2h72hyrfzkwj 00,05
  2. natojp01

    Closed [0.01 BTC] Weekly challenge: Let's count!

    s uma pergunta tem que ser na sequencia tipo 0001,0002 ou pode ser forar de order ex: 0001,0003,0004,0002 ????
  3. natojp01

    Closed [0.01 BTC] Weekly challenge: Invader!

    #nrikgn2a6bwd 1994 #un6yzhu06bqh 1994 #1s00pe8rhgyv 1994
  4. natojp01

    Closed [0.01 BTC Ranked] Weekly challenge: Crash test!

    # s04r0nxw98x9 # 251x8sbo5m1k # zt4emwphn5it # mrel9k2nw1lj # ijfpo1mvjm0j # w9gsim357wtx # 19diltl2uup3 # b0h35x47bem9 # ag1b67jzdjyi # p63yjn7kllvf # jqwgymfdri7s # knztyuw8cm03 # nnd1729b9qa5 # l3v3zautq23f Detalhes
  5. natojp01

    Closed Let's Strike!

    # Jc279lq0phyg # g7x6aotecmul # 6oduiacreg9k
  6. natojp01

    Closed [0.01 BTC] Weekly challenge: Time travel!

    # c6acdfq3q3up 1985 # rmun6tfcjmsn 1955 # fqmdjm9kbvyi 2015 # ofbto2yzmmoq 1885
  7. natojp01

    Closed [0.02 BTC Ranked] Weekly challenge: Shooting star!

    #qkll54948jkk bet 7777
  8. natojp01


    # zenrp51djkkf (4548) 4 + 5 + 4 + 8 = 21 # saf0i7swos9w (0360) 0 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 9
  9. natojp01

    Closed [0.02 BTC] Weekly challenge: Four horsemen!

    # dk06w4advuz3 11x # nbbc0ln5g59k 22x #idcrkqaxpovp 33x # fybfbb8ifs1s 44x
  10. natojp01

    Closed [0.01 BTC] Weekly challenge: Upside down mirrors!

    # 0nrxznp8wlx9 2255 # i65mk16l2c16 5522
  11. natojp01

    chat pt

    I am willing to eat a chat pt on the site I saw many people without knowing what they are talking about not having a spicy chate ...
  12. natojp01

    New Telegram channel WINDICE

    I ate a little time on the site and already in the top group of more ...
  13. natojp01

    chat portugues

    comessei em pouco tempo no site, mais reparei que não tem uma sala especifica para os brasileiros, poderia ter pois os uso dessa dice esta aumentando e os usuários brasileiros também, se precisar de ajuda pra cuidar do chat eu me disponho estou ativo todos os dias umas 14 hrs por dia ... é só...
  14. natojp01

    How did you discover WINDICE?

    I found it on a propaganda site. as I am using many sources of encryption to gather information. and that's how I came here and I really enjoyed it ...